An Heiress For The Bear (Sarkozy Brothers 2)
also been a result of Kat's additional cash assistance when her clients were in need.
    It was ironic, though, that she was funneling her money into something that benefited these women. It wouldn't stop her from helping Bianca Hawthorne with her rent payments this month, or from paying for Ada Menon's son's field trip.
    The grin on her face disappeared when she caught sight of the time. It was after nine, and Lukas had implied he'd come to her if he was late. No way was she going to let him come to her apartment. Not when Carson was there.
    She'd drop it off at his place on the way home.
    That would be the safest option.
    Fiona, Lukas's personal assistant, kept his address on her Rolodex, and after rifling through it, Kat punched it into her GPS and made a note of the code for the front door. Lukas had some fancy security system that meant his front door didn't need a key. All he did was punch in a code, and he'd had one especially created for staff, so he'd know when it was being used.
    Apparently the man loved his privacy.
    It didn't matter, though. She planned on getting in and out within seconds. He wouldn't even know she had been there except for the envelope.
    She'd be quick.
    In and out.

17. KAT  

    E NTERING L UKAS ' S APARTMENT WAS EASY enough, despite her stupid fear that the code wouldn't work or that she'd set off the alarms like a bumbling idiot.
    Once inside, she smiled. The hallway was large, the décor muted, the paint a warm cream, the walls covered in paintings and artwork of various styles. If Lukas had been the one to select his artwork, then she'd guess he went for whatever suited his eye, rather than sticking to a particular style.
    Along the left wall of the wide entrance hall sat a long sideboard, filled with bowls and platters of various sizes. Already she could tell that Lukas used them for a number of functions: key holders, letter holders, pen and paper holders.
    She spotted a bare space just large enough for the envelope and was rummaging through the bowl of pen and paper for a blank sheet when a sound emanated from within the apartment.
    Kat froze, listening hard for the sound, wondering what on earth would make such a wild, feral sound in the middle of the city. She hoped it was the neighbors TV, and scribbled a note to Lukas before heading for the door.
    In and out, fast. That had been the plan.
    But as she touched the handle of the entrance door, she hesitated. What if something had happened? What if Lukas was somehow in the apartment, hurt and needing help? That sound had made the hair on the back of her neck rise. It had sounded like a wounded animal, and Kat didn't think it was responsible to leave without checking.
    On the other hand, it would be equally responsible to leave and call the cops. But Lukas wouldn't appreciate being molested by the police if there wasn't anything wrong.
    She had no choice but to investigate the noise.
    Still gripping the envelope, she slipped out of her high heels, thinking it wise in case she had to flee for her life, then strode toward the small hall along the left hand wall of the main living area.
    Kat stopped in her tracks. What if it was a burglar? She'd need to defend herself. Kat scanned the living room and found a short Japanese blade on the far wall.
    She rose on her toes to shimmy the blade off the wall, noting the blunt blade with a little disappointment. Probably a good thing. She didn't need a jail term for defending Lukas's property. Not worth it.
    Holding the knife with tight fingers, she headed down the hall, her feet making not a single sound as she reached what looked like the main bedroom. The door sat ajar, and she elbowed it open, her feet sinking into deep, cream-colored pile.
    The wall across from her was painted in a red and black satin stripe, a nice feature to set off the mahogany headboard. It seemed rather gothic, but from what she'd read on him and his grandfather, the family did originate from the land of

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