An Introduction to Pleasure

An Introduction to Pleasure by Jess Michaels Page A

Book: An Introduction to Pleasure by Jess Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Michaels
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Historical, Regency
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    One corner of Andrew’s lip lifted in a half-smile. “Then there will be much to teach. But first…”
    He trailed off and moved closer, closer, close enough that Lysandra could smell the masculine fragrance of his skin and feel its heat. Close enough that when he reached out he could take her hand. Slowly, he drew her toward him and then against him.
    Lysandra shivered as her mind flashed to the intimate kisses he had rained down on her quivering body just a few days before. The body that continued to react with both his touch and the memories, tingling as the area between her thighs grew wet and hot in anticipation.
    “I didn’t kiss you the last time we met,” he said and his rough voice was even rougher. “At least, not this way.”
    He gave her a wicked glance and then his mouth lowered to hers.
    Lysandra stood stock-still in shock as his lips pressed against her own. She had been kissed before, but they had been clumsy and often highly unpleasant attempts at the activity. Andrew’s mouth, however, was firm and warm on hers. She relaxed at the pressure of his lips, the way they fit so perfectly against her own.
    And then he parted them and traced the crease of her mouth with his tongue, rather in the same way he had done with her womanly lips the last time they met. Her mouth opened with the sensation, and he let his tongue touch hers.
    She moaned against his lips as she lifted her arms around his neck and returned the kiss out of pure instinct. Their tongues collided and danced, stroking and tasting as Andrew pulled her closer, closer, closer with every touch. His hands drifted down her back and he cupped her backside, lifting her against him.
    Lysandra gasped, first at the intimacy and passion of the touch and then at the feel of something hard and hot against her belly when he smashed her against him.
    “The servants assured me that your rooms would be ready for us,” Andrew whispered as he pulled away and stared down at her with a heated, heavy expression. “Let’s go there now.”
    Lysandra swallowed as he took her hand. She allowed him to lead her up to the second floor of the home. There were a few shut doors, but she couldn’t be curious about them. Not when she was being taken to a bedroom with a huge, pillared bed against the wall. It was a gorgeous room, fit for the princess she had earlier compared herself to, but she couldn’t look at it or enjoy it.
    Because Andrew shut the door behind them and promptly pressed her against the hard surface of it, lifting her against him once more as he kissed her and kissed her and kissed her into dizzy submission. She clung to him, helpless in the face of the storm, unable and unwilling to pull away and break the spell he weaved with his hot touch.
    His fingers caught the buttons along the front of her gown and he tore at them, popping them free even as he sent two of them skittering free across the floor thanks to their cheap thread. He didn’t seem to notice, though. He stopped kissing her long enough to part her gown in the front.
    Her chemise was just as cheap as her gown, with no decoration, just scratchy cotton fabric against her bare skin. He slipped his hands beneath the shoulders of her gown and the thin straps of the undergarment beneath and shoved them both down her arms, baring her from the waist up.
    Lysandra shook with need and lifted her hands to cover herself out of pure instinct. Andrew touched her hands and lowered them as he finally looked at her face.
    “In the past, perhaps this was a humiliation for you,” he whispered, his tone hypnotic in the quiet room. “It will never be again. Enjoy the fact that when I look at you, it makes me mad with desire. When any man looks at you in this way, you could have anything you wish for. That will be the power you wield as a mistress.”
    Lysandra blinked. She felt anything but powerful at this moment. She was weak with desire, mixed with a heavy dose of anxiety for what she knew

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