knowing she was never going to be mine.
Up in the air looking at the people under us and the beautiful stars above I couldn’t help but turn to look back at Garrison. The wind kept blowing my hair over my face so it was the perfect excuse for me to turn back without him thinking much of it. He reached for the hairs that blew into my lips and lightly moved them aside softly rubbing his thumb along my lips.
I could tell he was tense almost as if he was battling his inner thoughts. He had his arm around me, and he had pulled me close. I was in his little nook and was enjoying every bit of it. I fit perfectly in his embrace.
“Wow, the sky is so breathtaking tonight.”
“Yeah it really is. Not as…” He gulped.
“You, Reese.”
I gulped not really paying any attention to the sky any longer. I was much more interested in Garrison.
The cart went around a few more times then it came to an abrupt stop sliding me even closer to Garrison. He put his arm that was not around me up to steady us protecting me. I leaned in more and looked up at his face. He looked down and I held my breath.
He asked, “Are you okay?”
I let my breath out and shook my head yes. He leaned his head down just a little bit to where he was angled right over my lips, and I closed my eyes getting ready for my first kiss ever. I moistened my lips nervously feeling how close he was with the anticipation killing me. Kiss me!
Then I hear the door latch open and the carnie’s unwelcome voice. “Will you two lovebirds hurry up? I got people waiting in line here.” His voice sounded irritated now.
Crap, we are at the bottom.
“Yeah, sorry. I didn’t realize we were down already.” I got up and out of the cart as fast as my legs could carry me. I was so crushed and I wanted to hit my head up against a wall. I was so close…
I turned around after we got through the exit line. “Thanks for the ride, Garrison. I better go find Autumn and get home. It’s getting kind of late.”
“Okay,” he responded. I was shocked that was the only response he could think of? “Yeah I better get going too. I need to pack up my gear and help the rest of the band.”
How awkward!
“Reese…” I looked back at him.
“I had fun tonight with you.”
“Me too, Garrison…”
I walked off and could feel him following me until he turned the other direction back towards where the band was set up. I headed straight to the parking lot and texted Autumn.
Reese: I’m ready to go. Where are you?
Autumn: I’m chilling with Dylan. Ryan never showed up. Where is Garrison?
Reese: I don’t know. Can we talk about that later? My dad should be here in ten minutes.
Autumn: Heading your way now.
I keep running Dylan’s and my conversation over and over in my head. I was talking to him, venting was more like it, after the Ferris wheel ride and parting from Reese. I was trying to hide my disappointment but he could see right through it. I was mad at myself for succumbing to my emotions but I can’t say I will regret it. Nothing short of a miracle could have stopped me from kissing her and I guess that miracle was us being interrupted.
“You did what?” Dylan asked for me to repeat myself as if he did not hear it correctly.
“You heard me. I was leaning in to kiss her and the carnie interrupted us.” I was smiling thinking of the moment.
“Wipe that grin off your face, dude! You look like a girl…”
I push him to show I wasn’t a girl, although that would normally be an insult and it wasn’t right now.
“So just kiss her already. If you like her, just make a move.”
“No… I told you, she is too good for me. She deserves everything to be just right for her. She’s different. A girl that deserves respect. Reese is not a girl that is just in it for a good time, if you know what I
Delores Fossen
Roseanna M. White
Angela Highland
Nancy Martin
Dianne Warren
Megan Lindholm
Beverley Hollowed
Alastair Sarre
Terri Farley