Heartbreak Bronco

Heartbreak Bronco by Terri Farley

Book: Heartbreak Bronco by Terri Farley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Farley
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    â€œI bet he’d run away if he had the chance,” Crystal sneered.
    â€œActually, he’s had a few chances,” Sam admitted. “When we first got together, I fell off a lot.”
    Sam didn’t add that Ace had even been back to the valley of wild horses, where he’d once lived, and still returned home with her. She was the only one in the world who knew.
    â€œAs sort of a preview of what will be coming, we’ll use Sam as a guinea pig,” Brynna said.
    â€œWe will?” Sam asked.
    It wasn’t like she couldn’t do the things Brynna had described. She’d bet she could groom, halter, saddle, and bridle Ace even if she was blindfolded. But a warning that she’d be “onstage” would have been nice.
    â€œSurprise,” Crystal chirped.
    Brynna ignored Crystal, but her eyes met Sam’s and urged her to cooperate.
    â€œI think it will be a good experience for all of us to see how you do with an unfamiliar horse,” Brynna said. “Dallas is working with Jinx right now, making sure he’s not an outlaw.”
    â€œOh good, at least we’ll know if he’s trained to saddle.” Sam laughed, but her nerves became jittery.
    She wasn’t like Jake, who could stick his boot toe in the stirrup and know what to expect by the time his other leg had cleared the horse’s back and he’d settled into the saddle. She just wasn’t that confident.
    â€œIf you don’t want to do it—” Crystal began.
    At first, Sam was amazed at Crystal’s understanding, but then she caught the girl’s sly grin. Crystal wasn’t sympathizing; she wanted Sam and Brynna to fight.
    â€œI do want to do it,” Sam said.
    â€œSure you do,” Amelia teased, seconding Crystal’s taunt.
    There were only two of them, but Amelia and Crystal reminded Sam of the jeering circles of kids that tightened around fights at school, egging on the combatants.
    Some people enjoyed conflict, as long as they didn’t get hurt.
    Sam stood.
    â€œIf you don’t need me,” she told Brynna, “I’ll go ask Dallas what he thinks about Jinx.”
    â€œI’m just going to go over a few more details, Sam. We’ll join you soon,” Brynna said.
    â€œIsn’t that cheating?” Crystal asked.
    â€œIsn’t what cheating?” Brynna looked puzzled.
    â€œIf Sam’s, like, our role model, and we’re going to have to face these horses without knowing anything about them, how come she gets to go ask Dallas—whoever he is—about the grew-ya?”
    â€œI’ve just told you all you need to know about the horses,” Brynna reasoned.
    Sam wished Brynna would make Crystal behave. She also wished Brynna would change her mind about exiling her to the bunkhouse with these two. In real life, she’d never choose to spend the night with them.
    Most of all, Sam hoped Dallas would declare Jinx too wild to ride or sweet as a lamb, because she didn’t want these girls to see her fail.

Chapter Seven
    B laze walked so close to Sam’s leg, he kept bumping into her.
    â€œCareful, boy!” Sam gasped as she tripped. The dog scuttled backward, getting clear before she fell on him.
    Sam almost told Blaze to sit and stay. He’d do it, and only bark if something out of the ordinary happened. But she didn’t have the heart to leave the border collie behind.
    Blaze cocked one ear, waiting for her order. His tongue hung from his panting mouth and his eyes looked anxious.
    â€œThings are a little weird today, aren’t they, Blaze?”
    Sam ruffled the fur on both sides of his neck, then looked at the cowboys’ bunkhouse where Blaze spent half his time.
    In the summer, the River Bend cowboys usually left their bunkhouse door ajar. Sometimes they’d sit on the step while Dallas played the guitar or, if his hands were sore with arthritis, they’d listen as he played the

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