Ancient Wisdom for Today

Ancient Wisdom for Today by Harold Klemp Page A

Book: Ancient Wisdom for Today by Harold Klemp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harold Klemp
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another paragraph. At this point, you can try to see how the first and second paragraphs relate to your problem. The entire exercise shouldn’t go much longer than fifteen or twenty minutes.
    The following day, if you still don’t
    have an answer, do this spiritual exercise again. If you do get an answer, then you 89
    can use the same technique on another
    problem bothering you.
    At the time of initiation the chela
    [spiritual student] is imparted vital secrets, which facilitate his growth and speed up his karma. The highest, perfect directions for the Spiritual Exercises of ECK are given. These help him to unfold his inner hearing and inner sight, and with them he begins his ever growing inward and upward pilgrimage to the Sugmad.
    The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad

Book One
A new ECKist from Australia had been
    wondering what her First Initiation would be like. When she was ready for it, a
    Higher Initiate in ECK came to her in
    the dream state and said, “Come, let us go see the Master.” Together the new
    ECKist and the Higher Initiate journeyed 91
    to one of the worlds of the Astral Plane, chatting as they walked along. Soon the Master appeared in the Light body, and the First Initiation was given.
    The individual went on to complete
    her second year of study, at which time she was ready for the Second Initiation.
    This one is both an outer and inner initiation. This is where the full linkup with the Holy Spirit occurs.
    As she sat with the ECK Initiator in
    contemplation, she became aware that the Initiator was leading her down a beach.
    The setting was very familiar; she had been there in dreams many times since childhood. Is this real or am I imagining it?
    she wondered.
    All of a sudden her consciousness was
    fully on the inner plane. She and the
    Initiator were met by the ECK Master
    Rebazar Tarzs, who joined them in their walk along the beach.
    Ahead of them on the sand was a
    blanket spread with fruit. The Inner
    Master, the Mahanta, was waiting for
    them. In his hands he held a goblet made of precious jewels. “This is the water of life,” he said to her. “Take it, and drink.”
    This water of life is actually the ECK, which is the Light and Sound of God.
    Once a person drinks of it, he will never be the same. This is the sort of thing that occurs during the ECK initiation. You
    become aware that ECK is the path of
    love. When this connection between Soul and the Holy Spirit is made, it is simply to give the person the best opportunity to live his life in the most fruitful way possible.
    Initiation Links Soul
    to the Audible Life Stream
    The ECK is the essence of Sugmad, or
    God. It flows from the Creator down into the lower worlds and then returns again to the Source. It supports and sustains all life. Over the centuries It has been given many names. The Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Logos, the Word, Divine Spirit, 93
    the Bani, and the Vadan are a few of
    these names. Many religious traditions refer to the ECK in some way.
    Divine Spirit is also called the Au-
    dible Life Stream, because It can be experienced audibly, as Sound. It is
    awareness of this Sound that distin-
    guishes Eckankar from many other reli-
    gions. When Soul is ready, the Mahanta links It with this Sound. This allows Soul to travel at Its own pace back to God.
    As individuals progress spiritually,
    they become eligible for further initiations. Each initiation strengthens the bond of love between the individual and God.
    How Many
    Initiations Are There?
    The inability of the mind to compre-
    hend those areas beyond the Soul Plane limits us in our understanding of the
    various heavens and their corresponding initiations. From the physical perspec-94
    tive, we can identify fourteen levels of initiation. Yet there is always a plus factor in Eckankar. There is no end to the spiritual universe. The God Worlds are not
    finite areas surrounded by borders.
    Each of Us Enters
    Eckankar with a Different
    State of Consciousness

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