And Then There Were Three

And Then There Were Three by Renee Lindemann Page A

Book: And Then There Were Three by Renee Lindemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Lindemann
Tags: Romance, Sex, love, Marriage, menage, Multiple Partners, Comedy
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back we were in love.
    “We are working on the new school schedules.
Hopefully once school starts we can see you more often. It may have
to be at your place if that’s okay.”
    “I would like that. I miss you both so very
much. It’s nice that I get to talk to you or text on the phone but
its nothing compared to seeing either of you in person.”
    “I know sweetheart. We miss you a great deal
as well. As soon as we get back on schedule then we can make up for
lost time.” I smiled to offer my reassurance. Nicole dragged me
back to where she was standing whispering into my ear. “I want to
make love to you Eva and to Mark.”
    I did not know how to respond initially. I
assumed that this would lead to one day going through with sex. But
sex with a woman! I was absolutely clueless having never had the
desire until now. Was I ready for that next step? Nicole kissed the
indecision off my face. Without a doubt I wanted to experience that
with her, the sooner the better. Mark and I would have to have a
conversation about this next step. Reluctantly I left Nicole’s
office trying desperately to hide my interest in her, my arousal,
and my burgeoning love.
    Inside my SUV Sabrina glared at me with a
look of disdain I wasn’t sure I deserved. Before I could question
her she launched into a tirade worthy of an Oscar performance.
    “How could you do this to Dad? How could you
do this to your family? You should be ashamed of yourself mother!”
Sabrina yelled before I could put the key in the ignition. I
pretended not to know what she was talking about but it was a
terrible ruse. She had seen all the signs that Nicole and I were
past dance teacher parent relationship.
    “What are you talking about sweetheart?” It
was the only thing I could think to say. My facial expression was
already conveying my sadness, shock, and horror at being busted by
my daughter. Sabrina shook her head violently. She was not buying
my poor placations.
    “I see the way you two look at each other.
Several times now you have slipped into her office. When you come
out you look all flushed. You are cheating on daddy with Miss
Nicole. I will never forgive you for putting her before your
family,” Sabrina screamed trying to open the front passenger door.
I smartly hit the locks preventing her untimely escape. I grabbed
her arm but she snatched away from me. It was the look of fear on
her face that brought me to my knees. Never once had I spanked my
daughter that I could recall or ever gave her purchase to fear
violence from me. Right now she was shrieking away as if I was
going to keep her quiet by any means necessary.
    “Sabrina, sweetheart I am sorry that you have
discovered whatever this is but understand I am not cheating on
daddy. Your dad knows about Nicole and me,” I rebutted. Sabrina
registered complete disbelief before coming to realize I wasn’t
    “But I don’t understand. Why would daddy let
you cheat on him and with a woman?” Sabrina’s tears were my
absolute undoing. I released the floodgates as I explained that we
both were in love with Nicole. I came clean, the rated G version of
course. Sabrina listened with her head constantly shaking ‘no’ as I
spoke. She did not want to know this or hear this about her
    “You guys aren’t weird like that. Since when
are you gay mom? Why would you make daddy do this?”
    I put my head down as I pondered her
questions. Had I really made Mark do this? It sure looked like it
right now. I felt like the worst parent to ever walk this planet.
If this got out my kids would be ridiculed and teased because I
couldn’t get over this woman.
    “I am so sorry Sabrina. I didn’t mean for any
of this to happen. Daddy and I tried to get away from this whole
mess but we love her.”
    “You have to stop seeing her right now.
Simple as that you and daddy have to stop seeing her. You are
married. You two can’t date another woman. Mom, stop this right
now!” Sabrina folded her arms like a

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