Aphrodite the Beauty (Goddess Girls)
eyes only for her as he twirled her expertly across the floor. Lost in memory, she missed the next few things Athena and Ares said to each other.
    She was jerked back to the present when Athena suddenly stood up. "Get lost!"
    "Aww, Theeny," Ares pleaded, rising too. "Don't be mad. You know I didn't mean it like that."
    Aphrodite scolded herself for not paying better attention. What had she missed?
    Athena's back stiffened. "And don't call me Theeny! Only my dad calls me that."
    Throwing his hands up, Ares muttered, "Sorry!"
    "Just go." Athena turned her back on him.
    Ares sighed. "All right, but think about what I asked, okay?" He leaned closer to Athena, but she ducked away. Frowning, he said, "Fine. But don't think
    I'm giving up."
    After Ares left, Athena sunk to the ground and began to sob. Aphrodite was shocked. She'd never seen her friend cry before. Instantly, her jealousy vanished, washed away in the flood of Athena's tears. Fluttering down from her tree, she changed back into a goddess.
    "Where did you come from?" Athena asked, jumping to her feet. She swiped at her wet eyes with the back of her hand. Aphrodite pointed to the tree behind her. Athena's cheeks reddened. "You were spying?"
    "No, it wasn't like that, I--" But before Aphrodite could explain, Athena gave a strangled cry.
    "You planned this with Ares as some sort of test, didn't you? I thought you were my friend, but . . ." Shaking her head, Athena backed away. Then she turned and ran from the grove.
    Aphrodite stared after her, upset and totally confused. Planned what? What test? She had no idea what Athena could possibly have meant by that.
    8 An Argument
    APHRODITE HURRIED ACROSS THE COURT-yard to go after Athena. She was halfway there when she spied Pheme's spiky orange head amid a group of godboys and goddessgirls. Aphrodite crouched low, hoping to sneak by her.
    Unfortunately, Pheme had already spotted her, and she rushed over. "I just saw Athena," she said, her words
    puffing from her lips like miniature smoke writing. "She seemed awfully upset about something. Any idea what?"
    "Not a clue," lied Aphrodite. She wasn't about to give Pheme any new gossip to repeat. "See you later. I've got homework." With a wave of her hand, she plunged on ahead.
    "Wait!" Pheme caught up to her at the bottom of the school's granite steps and clutched her wrist. Hephaestus's gift sparkled in the sunlight. "Where did you get this beautiful bracelet?"
    Aphrodite jerked her arm away and hid it behind her back. "It was a gift," she mumbled. "From a friend."
    Pheme licked her orange-glossed lips eagerly. "More like from an admirer , I'm guessing. Want to tell me his name?"
    "Not a chance," Aphrodite said stiffly.
    Pheme cocked her head. "Then I guess I'll have to draw my own conclusions."
    "You always do," Aphrodite muttered. Turning, she raced up the steps to the school. But once she reached Athena's door, she hesitated. Maybe she should give her friend a few minutes to cool off? Entering her own room, she saw the turquoise chiton she'd let Athena borrow balled up on her bed. She must've returned it as soon as she got back to her room.
    Irritation welled up in Aphrodite as she shook out the chiton and saw how wrinkled it was. As she was smoothing it, she was annoyed to notice a tiny rip under its arm and a faint stain near the hem. The least Athena could have done was wash it before returning it.
    Suddenly, Aphrodite didn't feel sorry for her
    anymore. Grabbing the chiton, she marched up the hall with it and knocked sharply on Athena's door. Then, without waiting for her to answer, she thrust it open.
    Athena was alone, sitting at her desk, her blue Beauty-ology textscroll open before her. "Well, just come on in," she grumped.
    "Look!" Aphrodite shook out the chiton and jabbed a finger at the stain near the hem. "You ruined it!"
    Athena rolled her eyes. "It'll wash out."
    "Oh yeah?" Aphrodite frowned. Athena obviously didn't think how she

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