Apprehension and Desire: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice

Apprehension and Desire: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice by Ola Wegner Page A

Book: Apprehension and Desire: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice by Ola Wegner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ola Wegner
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical, Regency
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courting period is not necessary in our case?” he asked with hope.
    She was silent for a moment. “In your opinion, I do not deserve to be courted in front of my family and friends?”she asked with the edge to her voice, not looking at him.
    “No, of course not.” He stepped to her again, catching her eyes. “You deserve everything, all the best in the world, but I had hoped that we could be together sooner.”
    She looked to the side. “We will spend a lot of time together during the courtship.”
    “I meant to spend time together as a man and a wife,” he stroked her cheek, “Days and nights together,” he whispered.
    She blushed, as he pronounced the word nights. “I must be honest. I do not think I am ready for this. I am relieved with my father’s condition.”
    There was a pause. “We shall do as you wish then,” he agreed. “I want you to be happy, content. We shall wait to be married.”
    “Thank you..., William.”
    He did not like that her voice sounded so relieved, so he added more firmly.  “I still want to be married before the end of the year.”
    She nodded only, standing in front of him, her eyes downcast, her whole posture uninviting, distant.
    “When do you plan to return home?” he asked, stepping very close to her, so their bodies almost touched, making her look at him.
    She looked up. “The beginning of next week. My uncle will send a man servant for Miss Lucas and me. We will travel by post to London in his company.”
    Darcy scowled. “I do not like that idea,” he announced. “It is highly improper for a young gentle woman to travel by post with common strangers.”
    “It is but a few hours journey to London. I shall be fine,” she answered calmly, stepping from him.
    “I want you and Miss Lucas to travel in my carriage,” he spoke in commanding tone, he often used with Georgiana. “I will escort you to your uncle’s home.”
    “I cannot do that!” she protested. “You know very well that would not be proper.”
    “You think that travelling with strangers is proper?” he cried, exasperated.
    Elizabeth pressed her lips into a thin line. “I will not go to London alone with you in a carriage. My reputation would be ruined; you know it very well.”
    “Elizabeth, be reasonable, we are about to be married, surely before the end of the year. You will travel with me in a carriage all your future life. Besides, Miss Lucas will be there, too and the manservant from your uncle that you mentioned. I may even go in another carriage after yours.”
    Elizabeth lifted her chin up. “I will go by post as was planned before.”
    “I cannot agree to that. I will not allow it!” he snapped.
    She squared her shoulders. “You are not my husband yet, sir. To be precise, you are not even my betrothed. You are not my father or uncle to decide about me, and if they think that I can safely travel by post with Miss Lucas, I do not see the reason to do otherwise!”
    “Do you not understand that I am worried for you! Something may happen to you!” He hovered over her. “Why are you so obstinate about this?”
    She raised one finely drawn eyebrow. “I can ask you exactly the same question.”
    Darcy walked from her, pacing the restricted space of the small room. Why was she so stubborn? He was not used to such behaviour. His sister, Georgiana, would never have wanted to oppose him in such a way. He only wanted the very best for her. It was his right, his responsibility. He wanted her safe and protected. What was wrong with that? Why could she not see that?
    He strived to calm himself. “Well, then,...would you consider using one of my aunt’s carriages?”
    “I am not sure whether Lady Catherine will be willing to...”
    “She will,” he interrupted her. “I will take care of that.”
    “As you wish,” she said quietly after a moment.
    He smiled, pleased that she had agreed with him. He walked to her. “I will go now.”
    “Yes, you must be tired after the long

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