therapy. She even strongly suspected who messed up and transmitted it. She's had some modifications done the same way, but had been very careful to quarantine herself. She decided to look at North America anyway, where she at least knew the fine nuances of the language instead of needing a translator. Disney News still seemed as reliable as any. What were their main stories? Atlanta, Georgia – HHS administrators say the Atlanta water supply system is "unfixable" given its age and rate of failures. They demanded the city put Federal aid towards sewer systems alone or face funds cut-off. "Water is cheap now with fusion power and modern desalination techniques," says HHS spox, "but distribution is expensive and based on a century old system that requires pumping from the ocean to the antiquated processing plant for distribution. Free drinking water will be distributed in reusable bottles at FEMA service centers by presenting approved photo-ID. Very few sections of the city will need to go more than five kilometers to obtain free water. Bulk water may be picked up for delivery by approved contractors upon submission a list of validated customers. FEMA will set delivery rates. Subdivisions and apartment complexes of two thousand or more residents, with water systems no more than thirty years old may apply to be tied to the supply system on a cost sharing basis. Schools and contracting charities will offer shower facilities in off hours to residents with ID. It is suggested you save your waste water for sanitary system flushing as well as watering any plants. Watering a lawn from an approved connected system is prohibited. The first violation is a ten thousand dollar fine and the second violation results in the cut-off of the entire approved connection. Owners are urged to disable or lock external sill cocks on their buildings to avoid theft and responsibility for misuse. Hoarding more than a hundred gallons of publicly supplied water in a household shall be a class B felony. Modesto, California – The USDA has ruled that paving portions of agricultural land and directing the run-off into drywells to raise the level of rainfall available to the unpaved portion makes the entire volume subject to applicable water regulations. Such so called dry-land farm techniques using enhanced collection are as artificial as any other form of irrigation and require permits. Lake Tahoe, Nevada – The State Supreme Court of Nevada has ruled residents of the California side working in Nevada may be required to purchase a state license plate and county road use sticker if they use Nevada side roads on a regular basis to commute, citing such use is de facto residency. "Residency is much more than where we sleep," says Justice Collins. California is expected to pass matching legislation. Insurance spox indicate this will require separate policies. Governments in New York and New Jersey are watching the decision closely. Drivers may be required to buy and display both plates. No Federal challenge is expected. Akron, Ohio - Jefferson Hobart of suburban Barberton was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Syndrome after encouraging his son not to take behavior improving medication prescribed by his school nurse. The judge ordered him to not have any instrument capable of causing serious injury in his home. His kitchen knives and a number of power tools were removed. Police arrested him Wednesday after a neighbor reported him in possession of a pruning saw. Stanley, Idaho – The Idaho court has affirmed that while state fishing regulations specify what sort of aquatic animals such as frogs and minnows may be taken for bait and in what manner and with what equipment, legislators did not specify the taking of non-aquatic animals for bait in the latest rewrite. While this may have been an oversight the correction of it is up to the legislature not the court, Judge Wilson ruled. Although the defendant was in possession of a valid state fishing