Archangel Crusader
watch his daughter leave.
    Jennifer looked back once, attempted a smile and waved, then walked away chatting with the friendly flight attendant. Michael could tell from the bounce in his daughter’s step that she had already left, set on the adventure ahead. Would she miss him? Michael would miss her, but above all he wanted her safe and happy.
    Glued to the glass, Michael watched the big plane taxi up to the runway. When the jet stopped at the far end, a black limousine escorted by a motorcade appeared on the field. A maintenance truck followed, with rolling stairs in tow. The cortege headed straight for the waiting plane. Someone boarded the aircraft at the last minute. Probably some diplomat, or a CIA big wig. Obviously someone with connections.
    Michael shuddered. Some people held a frightening amount of power. Finally, he watched the takeoff, but after the plane disappeared in the sky, Michael felt uncomfortable. He already missed Jennifer as he walked slowly toward the exit, clearing his mind for the task ahead.
    Jennifer relished the window seat. After the pilot apologized for the delay, she observed the VIP boarding. All this fuss for one passenger? Finally, the plane took off over the roof of the terminal and the parking lot. The plane veered then flew over the Naval Base and the Delaware River. Soon, according to the map, they would cross the ocean. Not much to see there.
    Jennifer had brought a book, The Abandoned, a story about a little boy who became a cat. She had read it before, but it was easier the second time. She also really enjoyed the story. Mostly, Jennifer cherished it as a gift from Veronica. She missed the lovely woman and felt a little lost without Shadow. The cat had been like a sibling to her. She felt utterly alone as she dutifully chewed on the piece of gum offered by the flight attendant before takeoff.
    Jennifer had flown before with her dad, a long time ago, on a glider. She remembered only vaguely the sound of the wind in the light canvas. This was different. She could hardly hear the engine but felt the dull vibration.
    This, she thought, was real flying. Comfort and luxury... She wished her school friends could see her now. The plane flew over sparse cotton clouds that cast shadows on the green landscape below. After the seat-belt sign went off, some passengers started to move around. The seat next to Jennifer remained empty. No one to talk to. This would make for a very long flight.
    At the end of the aisle, the blond flight attendant smiled to a nice-looking fellow, pointing to the empty seat beside Jennifer. The man thanked her. Gracefully, he closed the distance, dark velvet eyes and irresistible smile on Jennifer all the time.
    "Good morning, Miss," the stranger said in a most charming tone.
    "I know who you are," Jennifer exclaimed in recognition. "I saw you getting on the plane at the last minute. Good thing we waited for you."
    "You are absolutely right, Miss, and I apologize for the inconvenience." The smile broadened. "I understand that this seat is not taken. Do you mind very much if I keep you company for the duration? The man next to me snores and I do not care much for it. What do you say?"
    Impressed by his good manners, Jennifer thought he would be fun to talk to. "You can sit here. I know what you mean... I think snoring is so disgraceful." The little girl whispered the last words in confidence, thrilled for the company. Besides, the stranger looked real cool, with a black ponytail, dressed in black leather. Wearing a gold chain and a small diamond in his ear, he resembled a character from a TV show.
    "What an elegant dress," The man remarked politely.
    Jennifer could tell he knew about fashion.
    "I love this red on you, it brings out your green eyes. Did you buy it in Paris?"
    "No," Jennifer answered truthfully. "Veronica bought it for me at Northeast Mall, with her credit card. It was on sale."
    "I see, very interesting. A good bargain I bet."
    "I think

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