Archangel Crusader
so," the child replied seriously.
    "I am awfully sorry. We have not been properly introduced. My name is so complicated, call me Mr. K, glad to meet you. And what might your name be?" Mr. K smiled again, and Jennifer thought he was sweet.
    "I'm Jennifer. Nice to meet you, too. Do you play chess? I brought my set."
    "I'd love to play a game with you. Are you good at it?" Mr. K inquired.
    "Not as good as my dad, but I have to warn you, I won the school championship."
    "Oh, I see... Then I better watch myself."
    Mr. K laughed, and Jennifer grinned with delight. This would be a great adventure. She had already made a wonderful friend, someone she could trust like a father and love like a friend.
    Chapter Seven
    Michael sat comfortably in his favorite armchair and visualized the spaceship as he had seen it before, the blue reflective wall surfaces, vacant floor, soft light and serene atmosphere. Picturing himself standing in front of Amrah, he entered his own projection. A subtle change in the air, in the soft light, and Amrah greeted Michael cheerfully.
    "You show unusual promise, my son. Even for an avatar you learn fast. It pleases me immensely." Warmth transformed the strange features.
    Michael smiled. "I came to learn. Please teach me."
    First, Michael had learned to tell time by trusting his inside clock, on any world, in any part of any galaxy. Next came telekinesis, the art of moving objects by the power of thought. The first attempts, however, proved disappointing.
    "Do not force it," Amrah repeated for the tenth time.
    "Damn!" came the frustrated reply.
    The dark beads of blue oil had not moved in the pink liquid where they floated. Michael's strong will surpassed his willingness to conform to the teachings. Wrestling with stubbornness, it took him hours of concentration to let go of the strain, relax, and trust his natural ability. Only then did Michael get the dark blue beads to float easily in predetermined patterns. From then on, he made astonishing progress.
    After Michael had mastered the art of moving heavier objects without strain or struggle, Amrah asked him, "How would you like to pilot this ship?"
    "You have learned much since your first lesson. Just think for a moment. You now trust and respect wisdom. You gained self-discipline. You flow with the energy rather than struggle against it. I think you are ready for a little reward."
    "No shit, it's about time. What do I do?" Michael exulted.
    "The same thing you did with smaller objects. This craft is no different. Visualize it in its entirety."
    Eyes closed, Michael visualized the ship, with which he had become familiar. From the outside, it looked like a dark orb with no color of its own, mimicking the surrounding shades like a chameleon. A permanent mental shield made it invisible for whomever did not specifically look for it.
    "I've got it visualized... What do I do now?" Michael couldn't keep the excitement from his voice.
    "Would you like to take it to Venus?" Amrah offered.
    "Venus? Why not? Where's that?"
    "It is the closest planet. Tap your universal memory and visualize the solar system."
    "All right, I see it now. Venus... How long would it take?"
    "Time is irrelevant. When would you like to get there?"
    "I don't know... Tomorrow? Today? How about yesterday, can I get there yesterday?"
    "You could, but you never know how your presence may affect the past. It could mean disaster for present and future, so we avoid it as much as possible."
    "Whoa!" Michael almost let go of the ship, thrilled by the discovery. "I'm beginning to like this stuff." Amrah had never talked about moving through time before.
    "You just have to be very specific. Be precise about the place and circumstances. Visualize..." Amrah suggested.
    Michael pictured the exact place then mentally brought the vessel to the coordinates. A slight shimmer blurring the outlines was all he perceived in the mental picture.
    When Michael opened his eyes again, everything on

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