Area 51
"Did they know how to read what they had?"
    "I do not know," Kaji repeated, "but they had someone with them who could understand it in some manner, that was for certain. There were twelve of them.
    We went to the dip, where the tunnel turns and heads up toward the Grand Gallery, and halted. They searched and then began digging. I became frightened and upset then. I would be blamed, because the guards knew me and knew that I was leading this party in. They were destroying my livelihood with their picks and shovels.
    "The German in charge"--Kaji paused and his eyes lost their focus--"he was an evil man. I could see it all about him and especially in his eyes. When I complained he looked at me, and I knew I was dead if I opened my mouth again. So I stayed silent.
    "They worked quickly, digging. They knew exactly what they were doing because inside of an hour they broke through. Another passageway! Even through my fear I was excited. Nothing like this had happened in my lifetime or many lifetimes before me. This passageway led downward, toward the ground beneath the pyramid.
    No one had ever thought of that before. No one had ever considered if there was a passage into the ground. They had always searched for ways to go up.
    "They went into it and I followed. I did not understand what they were saying but it was easy to see they were excited also. We came down the tunnel"—Kaji pointed behind him--"as you and I did earlier today. There were three blockages set up in the passageway. I could see the original writings on the walls and knew we were entering parts that had not been seen by a living man in over four thousand years. They tore through the blocking walls as quickly as possible, leaving the rubble behind.
    "The tunnel ended in stone, but the Germans didn't let that stop them as they had not let the three other walls stop them. They used their picks and broke through. And then we were in here. And the sarcophagus was there just like you see it in the pictures of Martin's expedition, with the lid on and the seals intact. In the air I could feel the presence of—Kaji paused and Nabinger blinked. The old man's voice had drawn him in, the effect magnified by being in the very room he was talking about.
    Kaji looked at the center of the floor where the sarcophagus had once been.
    "The Germans were not archaeologists. That was certain. The way they broke through the walls showed that. And the fact that they broke the seals and lifted the lid. In 1951 Martin took six months before his men opened the lid, carefully detailing every step of the operation. The Germans were into it in less than five minutes after entering. They were interested in nothing but the sarcophagus. Not the writings on the walls here, not the seals. Nothing but the stone box."
    "Was it empty?" Nabinger asked.
    Nabinger waited, then could wait no longer. "Did they find the pharaoh's body?"

    "No." Kaji sighed and all the energy seemed to drain out of his body. "I don't know what it was that they found.
    There was a box inside the stone. A box of black metal.
    Metal such as I had never seen before nor have seen since." He gestured with his hands, indicating a rectangle about four feet high by two in breadth and width.
    "It was this size."
    Nabinger shook his head. "This is all a story, Kaji. I think you have taken my money for a story that is a lie."
    Kaji's voice was calm. "It is not a lie."
    "I've seen the pictures Martin took. All the walls were intact. The seals on the sarcophagus were intact and the original ones. How do you explain that if these Germans did what you said? How did the walls get put back up? The seals put back on? Magic? The pharaoh's ghost?" Nabinger was disgusted.
    "I am not sure," Kaji admitted. "I do know, though, that the Americans and the British sealed off the Great Pyramid for eight months in 1945, while the war was ending. No one could go in. Maybe they put everything back. It would have been difficult but possible. When I

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