Forever and Always

Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed

Book: Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverley Hollowed
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on” he whispers.
    Still holding her hand he le d her down a small path way between the high grass and reeds that covered the small hills in front of them. The path opened out onto the most beautiful beach Melanie had ever seen. The sand was pure white. The sea was the clearest greenie blue and they were the only two people on it. It was like there was no one else but them in the world.
    “Wow” Melanie said as she stared out over the water she could see a little light house in the distances. “Sam this is amazing”.
    “When I was younger and I needed some time to myself, I would come down here on my bike. Not very many people come down here so usually I had it all to myself”.
    “It is really quite beautiful” Melanie said turning back to Sam. Suddenly she felt shy.
    “I want to share this place with you” he said stepping closer to her. “Because as beautiful as it is here, it is nothing compare to how beautiful you are”.
    “Oh” was all Melanie could whisper.
    “Yes oh” Sam replied as he slowly pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Softly at first but then his kiss deepened. She opened her mouth slightly as she released a soft moan into his mouth. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and searched it, his tongue caressing hers, filling her with a deep hunger in the pit of her stomach. A feeling she had never felt before.
    Ok she had only ever been kissed by one other boy before but it had never made her feel like this. When Mike kissed her she always had a sense of fear in the pit of her stomach. But what she felt now wasn’t fear. It was something new. It was desire. She wanted him. She wanted him in every way possible. Oh how had this happened?
    It was almost nine when they finally arrived back at the beach house. Sam pulled back into the same space he was in that morning. He switched of the engine and turned to Melanie.
    “I had a great day Sam” Melanie said unable to wipe the silly smile she knew she had on her face. “Thank you”.
    “You are very welcome Melanie” he said as he leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. “I had a great day too”.
    “I really should get back” Melanie sighed, feeling reluctant to leave Sam. She didn’t want this perfect day to end.
    “Come on I will walk you around to the door” he said as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her softly on the back of it once again. Slowly they climbed out of the car and walked hand in hand to Melanie’s door. They stopped for a moment and stood in comfortable silence. Sam had her wrapped in his arms. Melanie looked up at him and he kissed her again softly on the lips.
    “Can I meet you in the morning for swimming” he asked before he pressed his lips against her forehead.
    “That would be lovely” she replied happily. Could he be any sweeter?
    “I have been waiting all week to ask you that” he whispered as he softly kissed her ear lobe.
    “Really?” was all she could reply. Her breathing increased. How could he affect her so easily?
    “Really” he replied and kissed her softly on the lips once again. “I have been waiting to do that all week too”.
    “Oh” Melanie sighed before his lips found hers once again. And he kissed her hard holding her closer to him.
    “Yes oh” he said as reluctantly he released her from his arms. “Ok so, I will see you in the morning. 8 o’clock”.
    “Ok” she replied.
    “Oh I almost forgot, give me your phone” he said holding out his hand. She handed it to him confused by his request and he started to type into it. Then a ping came from his trouser pocket announcing he got a text message. “Now I have your number and you have mine”.
    “Cool “she replied and smiled.
    “Good night Melanie” He whispered as he kissed her again. Then he turned and walked back down the path way.
    “Hey Sam” she called after him. “Think that maybe you can call me Mel now”.
    He just smiled and blew her a kiss. Then he was

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