Forever and Always

Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed Page B

Book: Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverley Hollowed
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had always believed that he was the one person in the world that would never ever hurt her. But he had, more then he realised, he had let her down. Now she just needed time.
    She kicked her blankets back. She didn’t want to think about this right now. She was going to see Sam and that was all she wanted to think about. She selected her favourite white one piece swimming suit. It showed off her new tan lovely and also her curvy figure. Melanie had never thought of herself as beautiful, slightly pretty maybe but someone who could be desirable, never in a million years. She braided her hair to one side. She slipped on a teal summer dress over her suit and put on her beach sandals then headed out to meet Sam.
    When she opened the front door she was surprised to find Sam already sitting on the front step waiting for her looking as gorgeous as ever.
    “Good morning Melanie” he said with a bright smile.
    “Good morning Sam” she replied shyly. “You are still calling me Melanie”.
    “Well I like Melanie” he said as he got up from the step and moved in front of her. He slid his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. He kissed her softly on the lips. “It’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl”. Melanie blushed as Sam took her by the hand and lead her down the steps and out towards the water.
    They stopped before they reached the water. Sam quickly pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it with his towel down on the sand as he kicked off his canvas runners. He stopped dead and took a sharp intake of breath as he watched Melanie slip her summer dress over her head. Her white swimming suit clung to her and showed her beautiful, curvy body off perfectly. “God she is beautiful” he thought to himself.
    Melanie could feel his eyes on her and she blushed but she liked how she affected him as much as he affected her. She dropped her dress on the sand next to her towel and kicked off her sandals. She quickly turned and ran into the water. It was cold but felt good against her skin that was suddenly burning from head to toe with a need from deep within.
    Moments later Sam was next to her but then he quickly disappeared under the water. Melanie just floated in the shallow water and watched and waited for Sam to re-emerge. When he did he looked gorgeous, wet and glistening in the early morning sun. Quickly he swam straight back toward Melanie. He stopped in front of her and pulled her into his arms.
    “Do you know how beautiful you are” he whispered placed soft butterfly kiss from her ear down her neck to her shoulder.  Melanie’s heart raced in her chest. She had never felt like this before. She was so confused by her feeling for him. She knew what she felt couldn’t be love. She had only known him for a day and she barely knew him at all and to be falling in love so quickly would be utterly ridiculous. It was too fast. But she wanted him. She wanted him so badly it hurt in the pit of her stomach.
    “Melanie you are so special” he whispered before his lips met hers. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and parted her lips enough to allow his tongue into her mouth. Her hands slid up the back of his neck and into his hair. She wrapped her legs around his until their body melted into each other. She could feel his growing erection again her stomach and desire explode in her body.
    But she knew it was too soon. She needed to be sure and she needed more time.
    “Sam I can’t” she said breathlessly as she quickly pulled away from him. She was scared. But surprisingly she wasn’t scared of Sam or what he might do to her. She was scared of what she wanted from him, what she would let him do because right at that moment she wanted it too.  But she knew it was too soon. “I have never, you know and I don’t know if I am ready for that yet”.
    “Melanie” he whispered taken hold of her hands. “It’s ok”. His eyes were soft and full of kindness. “We don’t have to do anything you are not

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