Forever and Always

Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed Page A

Book: Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverley Hollowed
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    When Melanie slipped into bed an hour later, having filled Maggie in on every little detail of her day with Sam, she was tired but happy. She played the entire day over in her head again and again. From the moment he sat beside her on the beach to the kiss he blew her before he disappeared down the path.
    Her phone pinged from her nightstand. She picked it up to look and it was from Sam.
    “Thx 4 today, can’t wait till morning, Sweet dreams Melanie . S x”
    Melanie’s heart jumped for joy. He was perfect almost too perfect and she couldn’t believe he liked her. Quickly she texted him back.
    “Sweet dreams Sam....M xx”
    She put her phone back down on her nightstand and curled up under her blanket. She couldn’t wait till morning.
    She was almost asleep when her phone pinged again. Melanie couldn’t help but smile. She quickly picked up the phone to see the message but it wasn’t from Sam. It was from her Dad.
    “Was thinking about u and couldn’t sleep. R u awake, can I call”
    Melanie’s heart dropped. She missed her dad so much over the last few days she wanted to talk to him but now she just didn’t know how to start. She couldn’t face talking to him right now. She knew she would cry and after such a wonderful day she didn’t want to ruin it. She stared at the phone for a few minutes debating what to do. Finally she decided to power off her phone and put it back on her nightstand. She curled back under her blankets but the happy feeling she had a short while ago was suddenly gone and the familiar ache crept back into her heart. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was not going to cry.
    As she lay in the darkness she could hear the house phone ringing. She knew it was her dad. She pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders and kept her eyes closed. She heard Maggie answer the phone and moments later she opened her bedroom door slowly.
    “Mel” she whispered. Melanie didn’t respond, instead she kept her eyes closed and pretended to be asleep. Maggie watched her for a moment and then closed the door and went back to the phone. Melanie listened as Maggie told Alex she was asleep. He must have asked how she was doing because Maggie told him she was doing ok. She had been very quiet but that today had been a better day. Melanie was relieved Maggie hadn’t mentioned Sam. She did know how her dad would react given his less the thrilled attitude to her and Mike. She listened as Maggie talked to him for a couple more minutes and finally she said good night. Melanie breathed a sigh of relief and turned back over to try and get some sleep. She wanted to be up early to get ready for her date with Sam.
    The thought of Sam made her smile again. Her heart quickened when she remembered how it felt when he had kissed her. How had this happened to her? She couldn’t wait for tomorrow to see him again.
    That night she dreamed of white sand and crystal clear water and piercing blue eyes. And she felt happy.

Chapter 6
    Melanie woke early the next morning. She sat up and switched back on her phone and immediately it pinged twice with two new messages. There was one from Sam and one from her Dad.
    She opened the one from Sam first.
    “Good morning Melanie, hope you had sweet dreams”
    Melanie couldn’t help but grin and a warm fussy feeling flushed through her body. She took a deep breath and opened her Dad text.
    “Mel please talk to me”
    Her heart sank. What the hell was wrong with her? She knew she was hurting her Dad and that was the last thing she wanted. She was hurting too. Why couldn’t she just talk to him? It was her Dad. But she just couldn’t bring herself to call him. She wished now she had cleared the air between him and her before she left. It seemed so much harder now she was so far away. She wanted to call him and tell him how much she loved him but she just couldn’t do it. She just didn’t know what to say to him.
    Part of her was scared to open herself up again. She

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