Arizona Embrace

Arizona Embrace by Leigh Greenwood

Book: Arizona Embrace by Leigh Greenwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Greenwood
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herself than Trinity.
    “I didn’t mean to start feeling sorry for myself. I suppose being an old maid is better than being hanged.”
    “Most people would say so.”
    “It’s just that when I remember my wedding day, and what I thought my life would be like, well, it’s hard to accept.”

Chapter Four
    She seemed to give herself a mental shake.
    “I didn’t mean to go on about myself. I’m afraid that’s one of the results of being left to myself too much, of not seeing anyone new for months, or years, at a time. When you finally do meet someone, you chatter your head off.”
    “Chatter all you want,” Trinity said. “T’ve got nothing to do but listen. By the time you get through playing with all your instruments, I hope you won’t have a single thought you haven’t dragged out, dusted off, and thoroughly aired.”
    “What do you mean, playing with my equipment?” Victoria asked, slipping from the saddle before Trinity could lift her down. “Surveying isn’t a game to keep me busy.”
    Then what are you doing?”
    “I’m making an accurate map of my uncle’s land.”
    “Surely he could hire someone to do it.”
    “He could if either he or Buc thought it was important enough.”
    “And you do?”
    “Uncle Grant can’t seem to understand people won’t be able to use government land forever. The only way to keep land is to own it. And the only way to own it is to survey it so you’ll know what you have, what you don’t, and what you want.”
    “Does your uncle subscribe to this theory?”
    “Unfortunately, no. But he thinks it’ll keep me busy, so he lets me do it.”
    “Where did you learn how to survey?”
    “From my father. My mother died when I was a child. I used to beg my father to take me with him when he traveled. He wouldn’t let me go until I learned to do something useful. So I learned to survey.”
    “I thought your father owned a ranch.”
    “He did, but he was a surveyor until he inherited the money to buy it. Unfortunately, he died before he could really enjoy it. I’m going to need you to help me set up.”
    Trinity helped Victoria set up a tripod and settle the telescope into place. He watched with growing respect as she anchored her equipment firmly and then spent several minutes of intense concentration getting it level. Next she laid out a set of charts, which Trinity admitted he didn’t understand. Whatever she was about to do required knowledge that went beyond his experience.
    “Now I need to measure the distance to that large pine,” Victoria said. “After you call back the measurement, I want you to hold this pole as straight as you can. I have to get a sight on it.”
    Over the next several hours Victoria worked her way across and along the ridge, measuring a rectangular grid and taking sightings from each of the intersections. When they stopped for lunch, Trinity asked her to explain what she was doing.
    “I’m laying out everything in blocks which can be claimed as homesteads. That’s what the cabins are for.”
    “Buc told me they were so the men could stay out on the range and not have to ride so far each day.”
    “That’s what he and Uncle Grant decided when I proposed the idea. It’s really the only reason they let me do the survey.”
    “Does your uncle realize what a service you’re doing for him?”
    “Of course not,” Victoria said, laughing easily. “My uncle loves me dearly, but he thinks women are helpless creatures who have to be cared for and protected. He’s certain I know nothing about the ranch, that I’m merely playing at surveying, and that if I would only take a greater interest in cooking and cleaning, I’d be completely happy.”
    “But you wouldn’t?”
    “Would you?”
    “Not the way I cook.”
    Victoria laughed again. “You know what I mean. It would be different if I had a family and the normal life a married woman expects. I’d probably be so busy having children, taking care of them, and planning their

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