Army Beasts Resurrection
I like that ? I called you a few times and hung up . I just didn’t know what to say.”
    Everyone was silent , and he sighed and pulled out a chair from under the long conference table and sat down heavily. His leg began to throb painfully to match his head. He was worried about Amari , and this reunion was taking its toll as well. “Listen , I’m not asking you guys to take me back into the fold, I know you feel hurt and betrayed. But help me find her . S he’s in trouble and I love her. To lose her would be like dying , and I don’t want that anymore.”
    Casey sat in a chair next to him , and again no one said anything until he spoke. “Like we would ever throw you out. Family does stupid, idiotic things sometimes , but it doesn’t mean we love them any less. I’m still fucking mad at you , but right now looking at your ugly mug , I’m just damn happy you’re not in a grave.” He held out his hand and Stavros clasped it. “Welcome home , Stav.”
    Zander smiled. “ Look at me . I’ve done more bad that good in my life, they still find me redeemable.”
    “Anya keeps you out of trouble lately , so you’re not so bad, ” Kale teased.
    “Bite me, Kale . ” Zander punched him in the shoulder.
    “I refuse . Y ou don’t taste good,” Kale replied and wrinkled his nose in distaste.
    It was lik e the flood- gates opened , and everyone had to have a turn to hug him or shake his hand or slap him on the back. Malachi and his big bear self lifted him out of the chair and squeezed him so tight he lost his breath , and the gesture caused him some pain.
    “Ouch ! P ut me down you big fucker,” Stavros teased.
    “Stop whining and take the hug,” Malachi said. “I can’t wait for my Mae to meet you.”
    “I can’t believe the bunch of you are all hitched up . ” Stavros laughed. “ A lot has happened in a year.”
    Nia l aughed. “Including babies . Promy se and Zane have Benjamin. Sophie is Casey ’s baby girl. Kale’s wife April is pregnant , and more than likely more to come. Anya wants a baby, but Zander doesn’t know.”
    “Well fuck , I do now,” Zander said in astonishment. “ When did this conversation happen?”
    Nia went along like she didn’t hear him. “ Cam ’s and Sable ’s house on the compound is almost done. Mal and Ma e have taken over the west wing of the main house. It ’ s all just one big happy family . ” She gave a watery smile. “And now that you’re home and you’re in love, it ’ s officially perfect.”
    “Kale , you big goofball, you’re going to be a dad?’ Stavros said. He eyed the green pallor of his buddy’s face and grinned.
    “April made me watch a child birth video, and I’m still not over it . ”
    “Well , let’s make sure Stavros gets his Amari home so we can have a big celebration . ” Nia clapped her hands and sat down. “ Cam and I have some information.”
    “So about Anya wanting a kid … ” Zander sat beside Nia.
    She held up her hand. “Not now, Zander.”
    “You can ’t drop a bomb line that and then just move on!”
    Nia sighed. “ We’ll talk later, because you’re a bonehead.”
    Stavros couldn’t help but smile broadly. It was the same with them, and it felt like coming home. He was thrilled they ’d all found happiness. Wives and children made them stronger , in his opinion. He wondered if he and Amari would have a chance to have what the rest of them had. He’d find her and apologize , and by God, if anyone hurt her , he would literally rip them apart.
    “What did you guys find out?” Stavros asked
    “Your girl didn’t tell you everything, in fact she downplayed it big time , ” Cam said and slid a file over to him. “ A year and a half ago she stumbled on to a ring , one the head cardio doctor at the hospital was a part of. Well not so much a part of as ran , big time. Hundreds of thousands of dollars paid out to him, some nurses and another doctor to buy hearts and move their very rich benefactors to the top

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