him. I go back to scanning the crowd as the door shuts behind me and the limo moves off.
“Signing line,” Mills says, meaning Talon is going to go to the line for a few minutes, snag some pictures and sign some autographs. This is truly the part of the job I hate. It makes it harder to keep tabs on him and keep him safe, but Talon is a stubborn ass and lives for his fans.
Addison joins him and they pose for some pictures. Tori is closer to her than normal, but I don’t question it. With Addison’s emotional state, it might not take much to upset her.
“Addison, you look amazing.” And “Congratulations” are just some of the things being yelled and Addison smiles, blossoming and finding her confidence a little bit more as we make our way to the press line.
Once we’re inside the roped-off area, the four of us settle down slightly. There is security staff placed about every five feet along the fan wall, blocking the view of fans but keeping them at bay.
The trio is met with questions, photos, red carpet shots and the like and this lasts for over forty-five minutes. Addison seems to be the main focus of their questions tonight before finally Talon whisks her away from the cameras and questions and we are finally inside the venue.
Addison managed to stay through dinner. Once we got inside and she started talking to people, it became a little easier for her to ignore what was happening in her head.
After dinner though, it was an acceptable time to leave and she was more than ready to do so. I, on the other hand, was having a good time. Not like I was partying or anything, but the visual pleasures were more than enough to keep me entertained.
We snuck the trio out the back, avoiding the fans, the cameras and the hoopla out front so that Addison could go home to the kids.
Raine and Dex were mildly disappointed when they got home so early, but Raine understood Addison’s return better than Dex did. The kids were already in bed and Addison made a mad dash up the stairs to check on them. I don’t know if I’ll ever understand what was going through her head, but Talon and Kyle followed right behind her.
After that, Dex and Raine took off and I followed, shedding my jacket and tie before I got in my truck.
As I headed home, I was thankful that I’d worn an undershirt because I stopped at a bar on the way.
“What do you do?” asks the blonde who found her way to my table within fifteen minutes of me arriving in this hole in the wall bar in Hollywood. It was one of the first places I came across after leaving Talon’s. The décor is a bad imitation of early nineteen hundred western saloon meets modern day technology. I’ve seen the place before but I’ve never been inside. The tables are made of glass covered wagon wheels. There is a pool table in the back and a jukebox that only plays music from the nineties on it.
The clientele is definitely college age, but more college drop out. In the twenty minutes I’ve been here, I’ve watched more than a handful of guys fail at picking up on the group of girls sitting at the bar. They are definitely college girls and far more giddy then what I’m comfortable with. But no less comical.
“I’m an actor.” I tell her and her eyes go wide momentarily before looking me up and down.
“I’ve never seen you before.”
I laugh, “That’s because I’m not a celebrity.”
‘Well then, what do you do?” Her voice is whiny and high pitched, almost annoying enough to make me cringe.
“I’m a bodyguard.”
“I don’t believe you.”
I shrug and swallow the last of the scotch in my glass. Coming here was a mistake. There’s not very many women in attendance and not a one is going to be any better than the chick from Sunday night. Including this one. I stand up.
“Where are you going?” she asks me, her disappointment is evident.
“Home,” I state firmly.
She cuddles up to me.
Shona Husk
Patti Benning
Tillie Cole
V. J. Banis
Brett Battles
Joel Thomas Hynes
Ginny Baird
Stuart M. Kaminsky
Sheri S. Tepper
C.R. Asay