As the Dawn Breaks

As the Dawn Breaks by Erin Noelle

Book: As the Dawn Breaks by Erin Noelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Noelle
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tingle shooting up my spine and goose bumps racing down my arms. I simply nod, afraid some crazy shit will fly out of my mouth if I open it.
    “Come here, Trystan,” he requests, his eyes still locked on mine.
    “I’m right here,” I whisper.
    He spreads his legs, making an opening between them, and pats the chair. “No. Come here .”
    Thank God I only have to take roughly two steps to get from my chair to, his because my legs are shaking so hard with anticipation of what’s about to happen I can barely walk. As gracefully as possible, which is the equivalent of an elephant on stilts, I position myself on his chair in-between his legs like he instructed. He loops his arms around my round belly and gently coaxes me back to recline on his very bare chest.
    “Relax, beautiful,” he breathes into my ear.
    I love the way he says beautiful like it’s my name. I want to freeze-frame this moment in time.
    We lay like that for some time, watching as the little bit of remaining glow from the sun disappears and gives way to the deep navy sky. Without any clouds impeding the view, it seems the millions of stars in the heavens should be visible, but sadly, only a choice few are in sight due to the surrounding bright lights of civilization.
    Leo’s fingertips begin softly tracing designs across my swollen abdomen, the movement so lazily dreamy I’m not even sure he realizes he’s doing it. Nonetheless, it feels natural and protective, and I like it way more than I should.
    “So you leave tomorrow?” I ask, already knowing the answer. I need to hear him confirm it to remind me this feeling will be short-lived.
    He grunts with frustration and tilts his head forward slightly, intimately rubbing his nose up and down the length of my ear. “Yeah, but I don’t want to worry about that right now, and I told you to relax.”
    A whimper escapes me as he nibbles a path from my neck to my shoulder, and the internal battle I haven’t had to fight in several months commences. If I allow this to go much further, I’m going to hit the point of no return, and there is no cage that can contain my raging hormones once I’m there.
    I know the score; I’ve known it from the very beginning, and yet I decided to play anyway, thinking it was a pipe dream he’d want anything to do with me in this sense. But now, here I sit—in his lap with his hot, wet mouth leaving a blazing trail of nips and kisses across my smooth skin as his fingers slowly draw loopty-loops on the part of my body I consider to be my number one male turn-off.
    It’s decision time, and whatever I decide, I need to own it.
    “You’re still not relaxing,” he murmurs into my hairline. “I can feel your jaw clenching over and over again, and your shoulders are way too tight.”
    “You’re driving me crazy,” I explain.
    “Crazy how?”
    “I don’t know whether to spin around and fuck you on this chair, or to leave now and save myself the tiny amount of remaining dignity I still have.” I can’t believe I just admitted that aloud.
    My admission is greeted with silence, broken only by long, even, purposeful successions of inhaling and exhaling…and if I’m not mistaken, a slight jolt against my bum pressed snugly against his crotch. Then, without warning, he stands up swiftly, taking me with him as he cradles me in his arms, holding me flush against his chest.
    I watch with total bewilderment as he carries me inside the room and gently lowers me onto the plush, oversized bed. On my back, at a slight incline with the pillows propped up behind my head and neck, shirtless Leo in all his glory is on his knees straddling my legs, and his face is hovering directly above mine. His brandy-colored irises are glued to mine, as if they’re searching for some hidden, locked-away secret.
    “I didn’t ask you up here to fuck you, as you so eloquently put it, nor do I want to destroy your dignity.” His face softens as he continues, “I loved hanging out with you today,

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