As Time Goes By (The Californians 2)
    Jeff smiled and kept still, having accurately read what was going on in her mind. He would let his father handle this one. They were discussing more aspects of the job, such as the storage room at the back of the building, the stage depot next door, and the hours both offices were open, when Gilbert came in.
    "Hello, Bobbie." Bobbie could only stare at him. "Gilbert?" She finally managed to say.
    "It's me." Gilbert stated the obvious and waited for Bobbie to look her fill. He had been a boy when she left, only 13. Five years later he towered over her and was almost as filled-out as Jeff. Both men sported lean frames and broad shoulders. Their arms were corded with muscles, brought on by the daily tasks of lifting, loading, and packing every conceivable size of crate and package.
    "Well, I see you're following in the same homely footsteps as your brother," Bobbie said, her voice becom ing dry and giving the men a first glimpse of what working with Roberta Bradford would be like. "I sup pose girls go out with you because they feel sorry for such an ugly little pup. Well, look at that smile I'm getting! And after all those insults! You're obviously very disagreeable too."
    It was too much for the Taylor men; they couldn't hold their laughter. Bobbie joined them, and then a man came in with an armload of small boxes. Bobbie turned serious in the blink of an eye and the customer was explaining his need and paying his money in record time.
    Gilbert was impressed with his first look at Bobbie in action. Gil wondered if his parents knew what a treasure they had found.
    "Where's May?" Bill asked as he came out of his office
    and approached the desk where Bobbie was seated. "She and Marcail left a little while ago."
    "I'm sorry, Bobbie," Bill stated sincerely. "I had no idea you were out here trying to deal with the customers on your own." Bill stopped when his sons began to laugh. Bobbie didn't hear the explanation they gave their father because someone else had come in off the street and Bobbie moved to help them.
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    It was Bill's turn to watch his new employee in action, and he felt like May did--that he could cry over how good it was to have her with them.
    The next hour flew by in a frenzy of activity, and no one was given any more time for socializing. At one point Jeff and Gilbert watched their father take a large box from Bobbie and tell her she was not to be lifting anything that heavy. Bill turned away as though the matter was settled, but both of the younger men could see that Bobbie had a mind of her own on this subject. It wasn't until after lunch that the situation came to a head.
    "Bobbie," Bill said as he plucked, yet again, another heavy package from his newest employee's arms. 'aan I or am I not your boss?"
    "You're my boss," Bobbie admitted quietly.
    'a, nd as your boss, I've told you that you're not to be lifting articles that are too heavy."
    "I'm not lifting too much," Bobbie stated in respectful logic.
    "I think you are."
    "Mr. Taylor, did you write and tell me you needed a
    shipping clerk, or did I misunderstand your letter?" "Yes, I need a shipping clerk, but---"
    "Then I'm only trying to do my job," the small blonde cut him off, her voice and posture a picture of respect. "I'm young, strong, and healthy, and I haven't lifted a thing today that was too much for me."
    Bill could only stare at her. He had never had an em ployee stand up to him before. He was a reasonable man but his word was law. He only had to say something once to have it obeyed. And now this young woman with the beautiful green eyes and the adorable glasses perched on her nose, a woman who had to tip her head back to
    look up at him, was telling him she could lift and tote like his sons.
    Bobbie waited a moment for her employer to say something, but .when he remained silent and when someone else needed her, she went off without a word, thinking as she did that he had seen her point and the matter

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