Ashes of Midnight

Ashes of Midnight by Lara Adrián Page A

Book: Ashes of Midnight by Lara Adrián Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Adrián
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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thug but a cold-blooded murderer, as well?”
Her slender dark brows came together in an expression somewhere between pity and contempt. “This coming from someone whose own hands are stained with more than a dozen lives?”
Reichen reeled back, bristling at the reminder. He took a few steps away from her, then pivoted to begin a tense pace out of the room. He didn’t know where he was going. He didn’t damn well care. He knew he couldn’t leave the house while it was daylight outside, and right now it felt like a cage.
Claire drifted out behind him, her footsteps all but silent on the polished marble floor of the hall. “Andreas, I know you must be terribly hurt and confused after everything you’ve been through. We can try to sort all of this out later. Right now you need some peace and quiet while your body is healing from the UV burns. You need rest—”
“What I need right now is blood,” he snarled, swiveling a hard, amber-eyed look on her. “Since you’re so reluctant to surrender Roth to me, I don’t suppose you’d be willing to let me take my fill of you either.”
She blanched, appalled, just as he wanted her to be.
Reichen continued his impatient prowl of the hallway, noting the assorted photographs and framed art on the walls. With his anger stoked, he looked for images ofClaire and Roth, the adoring couple, eager for more kindling for the fury that still burned in his gut. There were only a handful of photos of them together, often among a group of Darkhaven or Enforcement Agency members, or in front of ribbon-cutting ceremonies taking place at various evening events. Claire’s smile was perfect in each one: pleasant without being overly excited, polite without being overly cool.
Reichen didn’t know that smile. It seemed as polished and brittle as the glass that overlaid it.
“Where does Roth conduct his business here?” he asked her, turning away from frozen, perfect Claire to look at the woman who stood behind him now, well out of arm’s reach. “If he has computers here, or any type of files, I want to see them.”
“You won’t find anything like that here,” she said, simply stated fact. “Wilhelm does all of his personal business from the Hamburg Darkhaven and an office he keeps in the city… as far as I know. We’ve never discussed his business affairs.”
Reichen grunted, unsurprised. He was already moving past another room off the hallway, glancing in at the casually sophisticated furnishings of a living room, then passing by an intimate ballroom that seemed a cavern of mirrored walls, polished parquet flooring, and a creamy, elegantly carved ceiling. In back was an ebony grand piano, its multiple reflections gleaming in all the surrounding polished glass.
“Good to see some things haven’t changed,” he muttered. Claire glanced into the ballroom but looked confused. “The piano,” he said. “You have a gift for music, as I recall.”
Her frown faltered slightly as she stared at him. “Oh, Idon’t… I haven’t played in a long time. I suppose I got busy with other, more important things. Music isn’t really a part of my life anymore.”
“No, I guess not,” he said, aware of how caustic it sounded. “Is there anything left of you that I would remember, Claire?”
A long silence spread between them. Reichen expected her to walk away, or maybe run away, out the front door and into the daylight where he couldn’t follow. But she stood her ground, pierced him with her deep brown eyes. Tenacious as ever. “How dare you. I didn’t ask you to storm into my life and tear it apart, but here you are. I don’t have to explain anything to you, or justify where life has taken me.”
No, she didn’t, and he knew he was being unfair here. Having those answers wasn’t going to bring him any closer to Wilhelm Roth, either. Not that any of those arguments meant a damn thing when Claire was just an arm’s length away from him and seething with an anger he’d seldom seen in

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