Atlantis: Devil's Sea
the country and removal from affairs for the army and the state.
    “Noble gladiator.” Epione was lying on her side, her blue robe flowing over her body. She picked up a grape and laid it on her tongue, slowly drawing it in before speaking again. “You fought well and bravely.”
    “The gods were with me, lady,” Falco answered.
    “Which gods might that be?” Epione asked.
    Falco knew she worshiped in the cult of Isis, a very powerful group of women. “Whichever ones watch over the arena,” he answered.
    Epione laughed. “Well phrased. Much better than that religion of the Jews where there is only one god. How can one keep track of all the needs looking after?” She had turned to Cassius as she said this, and Falco knew it was a barb at him for bringing Lupina back and putting her in his estate. The general did not rise to the bait.
    She turned back to Falco. “I would like to talk with you later about the arena.”
    “Falco could see the general’s eyes shifting back and forth between the two of them, but Cassius said nothing.
    “Your likes are my commands,” Falco answered.
    “Yes, they are, aren’t they?” Epione said.
    “The emperor,” Cassius nodded his head toward the door, where people were hurriedly getting to their feet, acknowledging the entrance of Titus.
    Falco scrambled off the cushions and stood, head bowed, as Titus made his way around the tables. An aide to the emperor was introducing each person that Titus didn’t know.
    “The gladiator—“” the aide began, but Titus interrupted him.
    ‘Falco. I remember. Centurion of the most noble X Legion. We served in Palestine together. A most miserable place with a most miserable people. I was quite surprised to see you in the arena today. I understand you have been fighting in the arena for a few years now.”
    “Emperor,” Falco bowed his head even lower, then looked up, meeting the emperor’s level gaze. He knew Titus had only recently been called back to Rome as Vespasian’s condition worsened and had just assumed the title upon his father’s death.
    “And Cassius,” Titus turned and faced the old general. “It has been a while since I saw you, General. In fact the last time, Falco was also at your side, was he not?”
    “Yes, Emperor,” Cassius said.
    “Curious,” Titus muttered, looking between the two of them. “Most curious.” He slapped Cassius on the shoulder. “We will talk later. There are strange reports from the borders, and I know how much you like strange things.” Then the emperor moved on.
    “What did he mean?” Falco asked Cassius as soon as the emperor was out of earshot.
    “He fears all,” Cassius said, watching Titus. “He has to. Very few emperors survive to die naturally. He has two fears. One is for the health of the empire. And one is for his own health. The problem for Rome is that, no matter what the emperor thinks, the two are rarely the same.”
    “And if he has to choose between the two?” Falco asked.
    “What would you choose in his place?” Cassius asked in return.
    Kaia stood on the high mountain pass, looking back toward Delphi. She could sense the oracle standing in the sacred grove, looking up at her in the darkness, miles away. Reluctantly, she turned back on Delphi and strode off into the darkness toward the shoreline and transport to Rome.
    As she walked, she searched for the third eye she had always had, an ability to see things distant in time or place. She had seen the man the oracle had told her of. The killer. Not his face, but his essence. She had no doubt she would know him when she saw him. Then she turned her inner gaze toward Rome. She could feel the power of the empire all around her, but there was a dark cancer in it, under it.
    She saw a mountain with a cloud at the top. Then she heard the oracle’s voice echoing in her mind. The month of Augustus. The twenty-fourth day. Remember.

    Dane was more concerned with rubbing his dog

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