decided to give him a tactical answer. “I’m a better shot and I had an opening, you didn’t.”
Jack closed his eyes as if her answer pained him.
For some reason, Jack’s response upset her more than it should. “Why are you so upset? They’re going to execute me, aren’t they?” Kala suspected it before, but seeing Jack’s intense pain only solidified it. She was going to pay for what she did. Right or wrong, an American does not harm the President. Period.
Jack opened his eyes, surprised. “No, of course not. I gave my report and so did the others, including the entire Secret Service on board. No one faults you. It was… it was just… it was my job. That’s all.” He turned his eyes away to avoid contact.
“What is going on with you, Jack?” Kala was confused: if she wasn’t going to be punished, then why was Jack so upset? And why had he been so adamant to have the kill shot, she was the sniper of the team for God’s sake! It was her job to take impossible shots. Why would it be any different in this situation?
The look Jack gave Kala was so full of fear and indecision it made Kala flinch.
Then she saw flash of… what? Anger? Regret? Panic?
“Jack?” Kala’s voice was barely a whisper. She couldn’t explain it, but for a second it almost looked like Jack was going to hurt her. It was such a shock, Kala froze.
And just as suddenly, Jack was leaning in and kissing Kala once more. It was desperate like he was saying good-bye.
Kala pulled back, but held Jack’s face in her hands, forcing eye contact. “What is going on? You’re acting really weird.”
Jack reached out and rested a hand on top of Kala’s. “Nothing. I’m just glad you’re safe.” He gently removed her hands from his face and kissed them lovingly. “General Turner and General Clifton want to debrief you personally.”
That jolted Kala out of the mood.
Kala had never met either general, and they scared the bejeezus out of her. She knew with the gravity of what had happened that she’d have to explain herself to the big guns, but it still made her nervous.
Kala just hoped they wouldn’t kill her.
Chapter Six
After changing out of the hospital gown and into her fatigues, Kala made her way down a long black hallway to the assigned debriefing room, trying not to sweat. For a super-elite soldier, Kala felt like a wimp. It didn’t matter what job someone did, explaining yourself to your boss was always a nerve-wracking ordeal.
Especially if you’ve shot the President in the head . Kala thought to herself. She didn’t care how much reassurance she’d had from Derek and Jack, Kala still wasn’t sure she wasn’t about to be shot herself.
Kala arrived at the door leading to her doom. At least that’s what it felt like. She took a deep breath and opened the metal door.
It was hard not to gulp when she entered the room.
Dead center was a small metal table with two men sitting behind it. And they looked angry.
There were no windows and only one door, which happened to be the one Kala was walking through. The walls were made of the same black metal that the Compound was built with. Sleek overhead lights barely lit up the room, making the two generals appear almost dark and sinister.
General Turner sat on Kala’s left, looking angry with a hint of amusement in his eyes. Kala thought he was a handsome man. He was in his early-forties, young for his position. He had only slight hints of gray in his dark hair and his face was chiseled with a strong chin and straight nose. Turner radiated power. He was almost too intimidating to look at, let alone have a conversation with. On Kala’s right was General Clifton. Though Kala knew they were around the same age, General Clifton appeared older to her with his cropped gray hair and overly tanned skin. Being out on desert missions for so long had given him a kind of leathery look, like he’d been weather-proofed. He was intimidating as well, not because he emanated
Elizabeth Hendricks
Phil Geusz
Mary T. McCarthy
Kevin Emerson
Nicola Slade
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Julie Dewey
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Cynthia Sax
Alexandra O'Hurley