he’s not giving up on it.
    “ Why would you want to leave
here? You have food, shelter, water, Cat to keep you safe…you’re
just being foolish,” I say, for about the fifth time.
    “ I’m going with you and you
cain’t stop me!” he says. He is standing in front of me his feet
planted apart on the ground and his hands on his hips. His face is
about as red as his hair but it ain’t got nuthin to do with the
heat of the day. And the look on it…well it kind of makes me want
to laugh, but I don’t dare. It’s a real stubborn mule headed look
and for some reason it kind of reminds me of Ben though they don’t
look the least bit alike.
    “ And I’m telling you, AGAIN,
it’s too dangerous. I dunno what I’m gonna find in Littlepass.
Shizen, I don’t even know if I’m gonna make it to Littlepass. I
could get killed by raiders or eaten by critters…, tomorrow.
Anything could happen.”
    I’m losing patience with the boy. I
just want to get back on the road. After my nights rest I feel full
of energy….renewed. Even my feet have healed up good, calloused and
hardened. I just want to fill my waterskins and head out. Feels
like I’ve wasted enough time already and I have to move quick to
make up for it. I believe the longer I stay here the further and
further Ben is moving away from me. But Finn is not giving
    “ Then that’s why we should
go with you, to protect you. Cat is real good at protectin’…she
will keep you safe from any old raiders or critters.”
    “ Aye, she probably could,” I
say. “But then what? Say we make it to Littlepass. What then? We
just gonna walk right on in with a full grown devil cat trailing
behind us? ‘Oh don’t run and get your axes or bows folks, she’s a
real nice devil cat. She only ever ate one person and he well
deserved it’….is that what you’re gonna say to ‘em? They’ll kill
her before you get two words in, they will.”
    I know I’m being mean but I’m trying to
get the boy to understand.
    “ You don’t know that,” he
says stubbornly.
    “ Aye, I do,” I say, putting
the cap back on the waterskin. I am done with the conversation. I
concentrate on checking my slingbag to make sure I ain’t forgetting
    “ No you don’t!” he yells and
knocks the waterskin right out of my hand! I look at him, surprised
by this outburst. He crosses his arms over his skinny chest and
sticks his chin out, looking at me all defiant. I start to get
angry. That certainly wasn’t called for! But before I can say
anything his chin starts to quiver and he chokes out.
    “ Please Tara, don’t leave me
here! I don’t wanna be alone anymore….I cain’t stand it! Let me go
with you…please. Please Tara!”
    Oh gods. My heart twists at his plea. I
don’t need this! I don’t need or want to be looking after some
skinny little runt who will undoubtedly slow me down. And traveling
with a devil cat, well nuthin like drawing attention to yourself.
No, absolutely not, I think.
    “ Please...” it comes out as
a whisper and one single tear escapes and rolls down his cheek. He
wipes it away almost angrily. I look at his pleading face. I mull
his words over in my head. I sigh, pick up my waterskin and dust it
    “ I’ll be leaving shortly,” I
say. “You best be ready….I ain’t waitin’.”
    The grin nearly splits his face. He
starts to scamper off but turns and runs right for me wrapping his
scrawny arms around my waist.
    “ We’ll be a real good help,
you’ll see. Me and Cat. We’ll hunt and protect you real good,” he
says then runs off again, to collect his things I reckon. I watch
him go shaking my head. What have I just agreed to? Letting the boy
and beast go with me is just asking for trouble.... I can feel it.
I glance over at the cat. The whole time we had been arguing the
critter had lain real content in the shade of the shanty, not the
least bit interested. Now it is watching me intently with its red
eyes as if it knows what

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