Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels)

Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels) by Marisa Chenery

Book: Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels) by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
Tags: Erótica
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didn’t have to pay for water since it was included in her rent.
    Edensaw stepped out of the bathroom. A waft of steam billowed around him, spilling into the short hallway. He wore only his underwear, which made more sense than being naked. She’d had to explain how most people didn’t go around stripping in front of others. They really hadn’t understood what the big deal was about.
    Edensaw came into the living room and nodded at Wachei, who got off the floor where he sat and headed for the bathroom for his turn in the shower. Edensaw lowered himself to the couch cushion beside Cassidy. His long hair was still damp, but he had combed it with the spare comb she’d given the men to use.
    She looked at his chest and saw there were a few beads of water on it. A quick flash of her leaning in and licking the moisture away flitted through her mind before she pushed it aside. Even though Edensaw and she had fooled around a bit at the campsite, Cassidy had decided she’d better slow things down a bit. The men were like babies in some way, having to be taught everything about the world they’d awakened to. And then there was what they were and what Edensaw wanted from her. She was very attracted to him and wanted nothing more than to have him as hers, but she still knew very little about what it meant to be his mate. He was immortal. She was not. He was a werewolf. And, well, she was not.
    Cassidy had thought of taking the wolf brothers to the local Tlingit tribe, but she wasn’t sure that was a great idea yet. She couldn’t very well introduce them as ice age Tlingit hunters who’d slept in an ice cave for ten thousand years. They’d think she was crazy as anyone else would who hadn’t been there when she’d found the men.
    For now, it looked as if she’d have full responsibility for them, which meant they’d be living in cramped quarters until she figured out what to do with the men. Even though she made not bad money at her job as a graphic artist working from home, having to feed six extra people was going to put a strain on her finances. But she wasn’t about to turn them out.
    Once the showers were done and it grew late, Cassidy felt eyes watching her. She turned her head to find Edensaw staring at her with a look that made her pussy clench. He seemed to eat her up with his gaze. Her heart beat faster and her nipples grew taut. She licked her suddenly dry lips. His gaze dropped to her mouth and seemed to heat up even more.
    “I think it’s time we found our sleep,” Edensaw said in a husky voice. He also spoke loud enough for the others to hear.
    Cassidy nodded. Going to bed wasn’t a bad idea. She needed to get away from Edensaw’s sultry looks. “All right. Since there is only the one bedroom, and bed, you guys are going to have to sleep out here on the floor. One of you can have the couch, but I’ll let you decide that amongst yourselves.”
    She stood, then walked over to the windows and pulled the curtains closed. They were thick and dark enough to block out some of the late-night sunshine. That completed, she turned off the television before heading to her bedroom. Once inside she turned to shut the door and just about jumped out of her skin when she saw Edensaw was directly behind her.
    Cassidy held a hand to her chest. “You scared the crap out of me. I didn’t hear you come up behind me like that.”
    He grinned. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
    “Was there something you wanted?”
    Edensaw ran a heated gaze up and down her body, which had her pussy clenching with need again. “Yes, very much.”
    “And that would be?”
    In way of an answer, he crowded her farther into the room and shut the door. He reached for her but Cassidy stepped back. Edensaw looked at her with confusion on his face.
    “Is something wrong, Cassidy? I thought you wouldn’t mind if I shared your bed with you.”
    Oh, she didn’t mind. That was part of the problem. “I don’t know if that would be a good

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