Away From Everywhere

Away From Everywhere by Chad Pelley Page A

Book: Away From Everywhere by Chad Pelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chad Pelley
Tags: Fiction, General, Psychological, book, Brothers, FIC019000
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His teeth, and centres of each lip, were a reddish black from all the wine. “We’ll get away from everywhere,”he promised him.“We’ll hear the sound of silence. We’ll feel life .”
    Owen nodded, dismissing his drunken father.
    â€œI know you’re only in grade eight, but you understand me, don’t you, about feeling life? ”

    July 18th, 2008,
At the cabin, restless in bed.
    I just woke from the same dream again. My insides are made of garbage and my bones are rusted metal. It hurts to move. My fingernails are cracked and stinging. I dream my heart is burning. I can see my heart burning inside my chest, but I can’t bend my arms to put out the flames. I’ve lost everything and I can’t find it. I am in the middle of nowhere and can’t find my way back to something familiar. And as soon as I realize I don’t even know what I’m looking for, I wake up.
    Today in the car I saw Owen pretending to read an old magazine while we drove. I wasn’t convinced. I know he can’t read while the TV or stereo is on, he says it’s too distracting, so how could he read while Alex’s audio CD was playing so loudly? And he was staring at the same page for fifteen minutes, and I know him well enough to know that nothing in that lame magazine could get his attention for any longer than a minute.
    I wanted to think that Owen was only pretending to be reading that magazine. That what he was really doing was staring at my cleavage when I wasn’t looking. It really seemed that way. I didn’t notice how low my tank top was lying until I saw his eyes darting on and off my breasts in the rearview mirror, in bursts he thought were too quick for me to feel them there. I slugged the shoulder of that tank top down farther, to loosen the cling of it against me. It’s not my fault if the wind blew it open and Owen was watching. It’s not my fault that I felt good being noticed. I tell myself the diet is for me, and the exercise, and all the fashion magazines. And maybe I do do it all for myself, but maybe it’s because I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be noticed. To feel eyes on you like that – and know what they want – is empowering, enlivening. Reassuring.
    Alex is never home anymore, and when he is he has an endless list of excuses: too tired, too hot, too cold, too busy. Yet there is more porn on his laptop than on any college kid’s computer. He doesn’t even hide it. Does he think I don’t notice, or that I don’t care? Am I not beautiful anymore, or is he just too used to me? I guess it’s like eating the same sandwich every day for lunch. I guess he’s sick of me that same way. Him still being attracted to me after years of marriage would be like him eating the same sandwich every day for years and pretending to still like that ham-on-rye. I don’t know if I can really even blame him. Blah.
    But I refuse to be mustard on the tongue. To lack flavour.
    So I make no apologies for enjoying the desire in Owen’s eyes, because it was the way he was looking at me: not because they were breasts and he is male, but because they were my breasts. It made me feel beautiful and desirable, like someone worth secretly admiring. It made me feel like I’ve been dead for years now. His eyes wrapped themselves around me, whispered everything I needed to hear, and brought me back to life. All that in ten seconds.
    I felt his eyes on me like hands. Did he feel me feeling them there?
    Feeling his eyes on me felt as good as sex. Better even. Because nothing feels better than wanting. To want something, nine times out of ten, feels better than having it. There is more passion in a shared look between two potential lovers than there is in sex, in my experience. In my experience, we have the most lust, passion, and desire for someone before we start sleeping with them. In my experience, men fuck

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