Bad Boy From Rosebud
a radio news report broke the story of the discovery of two murdered boys in Tarrant County, Roy Dale broke down completely. Richard remembered that Roy Dale "fell over in the seat and started crying again." 25 Clearly, Richard had to do something; he stopped the car and took a walk with Roy Dale. At that time, Roy Dale confessed to what he and Kenneth had done the night before. Richard, Shirley, and Roy Dale went to Shirley's parents in Bremond. After that they went to the Boyd's home where they called the Sheriff of Robertson County, E. Paul "Sonny" Elliot. Roy Dale was taken to the nearest Justice of the Peace and placed under arrest. Roy Dale and Sheriff Elliot then went to Marlin and picked up the Sheriff of Falls County, Brady Pamplin. The two sheriffs and the hapless youth went directly to Roy Dale's house in Marlin. There, Roy Dale took them to the spot where Kenneth buried the Colt revolver. It had been removed. Before the day was out, Roy Dale was placed in jail in Robertson County and taken back to Fort Worth. It was only his second trip to the city. 26
As the news broke that a Falls County teenager named Roy Dale Green had confessed to his participation in the murders of Robert Brand, Marcus Dunnam, and Louise Sullivan, a massive search was already underway for Louise's body. The brutality of the murders became public knowledge before much of the law enforcement family, and the general public, learned about the true nature of the relationship between Kenneth McDuff and Roy Dale Green. Consequently, for a short time Roy Dale had a brief reputation for viciousness and brutality. It became readily apparent, however, to the sheriffs, deputies, and newsmen covering the story (including a young Fort Worth Star-Telegram reporter named Bob Schieffer), that this stupid and cowardly boy could not have committed those murders. Roy Dale signed his sworn statement in front of several newsmen who quoted him as saying, "I just had to tell it. I kept seeing it. I kept hearing those boys moan." 27 Kenneth's criminal record, and information from Sheriff Brady Pamplin in Falls County, quickly discounted Roy Dale as a primary villain. And so, two massive searches took place simultaneouslyone for Louise in Johnson County and another for Kenneth in Falls and Robertson Counties.


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For a while, it appeared as if 2,000 searchers were stumped. The area the parties combed was vast and sparsely populated. Woods, tall grass, and thick brush carpeted much of the landscape. Roy Dale's complete ignorance of the area compounded the problem. "I don't know much about the country up there, but I kept seeing a sign that read Burleson," Roy told the search parties. 28
Hundreds of volunteers formed skirmish lines and covered the area in successive waves. Skin-divers searched stock tanks and ponds. Officers with binoculars flew low in helicopters in an effort to cover as much area as possible. As dusk drew near that Sunday, Roy Dale had been brought to the area twice to try to remember where he and Kenneth had been. Finally, someone handed Roy Dale a napkin and asked him to draw a map based on his recollection of the events of that evening. When he handed back the napkin, the searchers shifted their efforts to northern Johnson County in an area near Egan. At one point, Roy Dale excitedly hopped over a fence and said, "This looks like it." But the sun was setting and the grass was tall. "I know she's here somewhere," he whispered in frustration, as he was taken back to the Tarrant County Jail. A local Chief of Police, Homer Barnes of Burleson, and several other men decided to stay behind and not give up on the area. They found Louise lying face down beneath the thicket of oak trees, barely visible in the thick grass. Later, two of her uncles arrived at the scene and positively identified her. 29
Finding Kenneth was not as difficult. Roy Dale knew that Kenneth had a date with a girl from Bremond named Jo Ann. That afternoon, Kenneth and Jo Ann

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