Bad Guys Don't Win (Janet Maple Series Book 4)

Bad Guys Don't Win (Janet Maple Series Book 4) by Marie Astor

Book: Bad Guys Don't Win (Janet Maple Series Book 4) by Marie Astor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Astor
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pit of her stomach told her the Kovars were very
much alive—she had the note from Anton Kovar to prove it, along with the ashes
left from what used to be Amy and Mila’s. There was no doubt in her mind
now—the fire was Anton Kovar’s doing. In one fell swoop her life had been
turned upside down.
    What was she going to do now? She
couldn’t risk going to the police about Anton, as it would lead to the police
questioning her and everyone close to her. The thought of Philip finding out
about her past so abruptly filled her with dread. She had always meant to tell
him about her past, but springing the news of her criminal ex-boyfriend on
Philip now would surely put an end to their relationship. She’d already lost so
much—she couldn’t bear the thought of losing Philip too.
    There was only one person she could
call—Dennis Walker. Mila hadn’t been in contact with him since the Kovars went
on trial and she hoped she still had his number. She raked through the contact
list on her cell phone—of course he wasn’t there. She must’ve deleted his
number in her attempt to start over with a clean slate—so much for that. Mila
felt deflated—Dennis Walker was such a common name—how on earth was she ever
going to find the Dennis Walker she needed? She raked her memory—the Dennis
Walker she was after worked for a private investigation agency—Kirk &
Associates. She typed ‘Kirk & Associates’ into the search browser and
within seconds the contact information appeared on the screen. She quickly
punched in the number. Come hell or high water, Dennis Walker was going to fit
her into his schedule today.
    “So how did the meeting with the wedding
planner go yesterday?” Dennis asked, as he placed a cup of coffee and a
doughnut on Janet’s desk.
    Janet took a sip. “Mmm, hazelnut—my
favorite. Are you trying to atone for your sins, Dennis Walker? Bribery won’t
work on me.”
    “I wouldn’t dream of it. It’s just a
little something to brighten up your morning.”
    “Aha.” Janet took a bite of her
doughnut—it tasted heavenly.
    “I’m sorry I blew the wedding planner
appointment,” Dennis apologized. “I know you’re under a lot of pressure with
work and planning the wedding.”
    “And don’t forget the apartment search,”
Janet pointed out.
    “That too. It’s a lot and I’m sorry I
haven’t been there for you. I guess I’m not very good at planning things, but I
promise to change. Going forward, I’m going to be fully invested in the
    “Great.” Janet brightened up. “How about
tonight? I have a meeting for a wedding cake tasting at six p.m. It’s going to
be so much fun!”
    Dennis scratched the back of his head.
“Errr, didn’t you do that already?”
    “That was just a preliminary meeting
with our planner to tell her what kind of cake we’d like. I gave her a few
ideas and she’s gone ahead and pulled a miracle by getting us an appointment
with Francois Bissette.”
    “Sounds very impressive.”
    Reading right through Dennis’s charade,
Janet explained, “Francois Bissette is New York’s most coveted pastry chef. But
if you can’t make it tonight, I understand,” she added, fully aware that she
was pulling a passive aggressive card.
    Dennis raised his hands. “I’ll be there.
I’d love to be there—I was just asking.”
    “Great. So we’ll leave together from
work and go straight there.”
    “I can’t wait.”
    “Oh, and that’s not all!” Janet said
cheerfully. “I just got a call from Fiona saying that she has a new listing,
asking if we’d like to see it tonight.”
    Dennis shifted on his feet. “Don’t you
think it might be a bit much for one night? Could we see it tomorrow?”
    “You’re right. Let’s do that. I’ll tell
her to set it up.”
    Just then the intercom buzzed. “Dennis,
there’s a call for you,” the receptionist announced.
    “Who is it from?” Dennis began, but then
added hastily, “never mind. I’ll take

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