Bargain Hunting
how your gun left the locker at the sheriff’s office?”
    “Yeah, my name on a sign-out sheet and no record of me signing it back in. Which I did.”
    “Couldn’t the gun clerk support your story?”
    Liam shook his head. “He said he had no recollection of that happening.”
    “Then someone framed you. Just like now.”
    He shrugged. “Do you have any idea how many people would have to have been involved to carry out such an elaborate plan?”
    “No, but I suggest we find out.”

Bad decisions make good stories.

    “You need to get in touch with Tony,” I practically begged. “He can help you make things right with the police.”
    “How? He’s a great lawyer, but he’s not a magician. I have a history with the department, and my gun killed José. It isn’t like I can walk in and clear this up with a chat over some bad cop coffee.”
    “But you need legal representation. At the very least, Tony is your friend. You should bring him into the loop.”
    “Speaking of loops, make a U-turn here and park in the vacant lot,” Liam said as I cruised up Federal Highway in Martin County. “You can walk the rest of the way.”
    “Gee, thanks,” I replied. Obviously he had no idea how difficult it was to hike up the street in four-and-a-half-inch heels.
    “Sorry, but I don’t want to risk getting caught on security tape. Just rent the car and meet me back here.”
    “What are you going to do once you have a car?” I asked.
    “After I swing by Ashley’s place, I’m going to start tracking down the officers in my former unit.”
    “And Ashley can help with that?” Please don’t let that have come out as snarky as it sounded in my head.
    “No, but I have some clothes at her place.”
    Clothes? As in he kept a drawer at his ex’s house? That was bad. A drawer is a serious type of commitment. During the two years I was with Patrick, we never traded drawers. A drawer was a big step. Not that I’m sorry I didn’t do the drawer swap with him in light of how badly things ended, I was just stunned to hear Liam admit that he still had dresser privileges with Ashley. God, I sure could pick ’em.
    The drawer thing rendered me mute as I exited my car and hiked to Enterprise, where out of pure spite, I rented him the smallest compact they had available. Let him squeeze his six-three frame into that while he was visiting his clothing at Beer Barbie’s house. I knew I was being petty but sometimes petty is the appropriate response.
    I drove back to the lot and hated the grin on Liam’s handsome face when he saw his minimobile. As usual, he was amused by my rebellion. Nothing seemed to irritate him except talking about himself.
    “Thanks for the help.”
    I shrugged. “Please reconsider talking to Tony.”
    “I’ll take it under advisement,” he said.
    Suddenly his arm snaked around my back and he was pulling me close to him. In spite of my irritation, the feel of his hand splayed at the small of my back seemed to chase reasonright out of my head. I placed my hands on his chest fully intending to push him away. Then I felt corded muscle and all rational thought drained out of me.
    Liam tilted his head down. I could feel his warm, minty breath wash over my face. His free hand came up and cupped my cheek. His touch was warm. His thumb started to brush my skin, moving lower until he rubbed the pad of his thumb over my slightly parted lips. It was more sensual than any kiss. Well, except for the kiss I wanted so desperately.
    I stepped closer while grabbing fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him to me. My fantasy became a reality as his mouth covered mine. Tentative at first, then more urgent and needy. I was fairly certain that my knees would buckle at any moment. Then I felt him wince against my lips.
    Duh, gunshot.
    I immediately let go of his shirt and took an unsteady step back. His hand slowly slipped away and I was left slightly dazed and a lot confused. Why was I melting in his arms when he had just informed

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