Be Careful What You Wish For
her hand, kissing it lightly on the back with his lips.
    â€˜But there are so many questions, so many things I need to know.’
    â€˜Trust. That is all I ask... for now. Believe. All things are possible. It matters only that we are together. The life that was is gone. Now we prepare to greet the dawn of a bright new day.’
    He raised his glass.
    â€˜To Us!’
    â€˜To Us. Yes, oh yes, to Us!’
    She was excited, like a child who has just found out it’s Christmas and been allowed to stay up and open her first gift. She couldn’t help suddenly laughing out loud at the madness of it all.
    Dream Catcher smiled. She was so like a child... naïve, fragile and yet with an inner sense, a courage, and yet still unworldly for all her past experience, and in a very real sense other-worldly because she possessed such a depth, a passion, a gift with words, and an energy with such radiance it evoked a passion, a craving, a need he knew ran deep right through to her soul.
    â€˜That’s better... you’re smiling, laughing... and it’s a joy to behold. Now relax. Remember, there’s a lifetime to get to know one another. Learn to enjoy the moment and accept the present as a gift.’
    Halfway through the meal he reached across to put something in her hand. ‘Now go to the toilet and insert these.’
    She left the table mystified. And only when she was locked safely behind a cubicle door did she look at the plugs in her hand. She wondered how best to carry out his instruction. One was blue, the other red. They felt strange, smooth, rubbery, not unlike children’s teats, and she was mystified about what she was meant to do with them, although it didn’t take much working out. It was cramped and awkward from the start, bending first this way, then that, as she experimented. Squatting on the floor meant a painful jabbing of her elbows on the toilet seat. In the end, one leg reaching up to rest on the toilet bowl worked best, and she fingered her pussy, sucking the tapered end of the blue plug before successfully inserting it. Nestling just inside her vagina it felt weird, and yet strangely erotic and enticing. When she stood it remained encased between her legs, a secret resting in their special place. As she walked it was like carrying his finger inside her, rubbing against her inner walls, bringing an unexpected smile to her lips as she rejoined him at the table. But however hard she tried she couldn’t fit one into the back passage at all, and she stuffed it deep into her bag.
    â€˜I see you have accepted the gifts, and they please you. Now, sit with your legs apart for the remainder of the meal. Feel them working inside you, preparing you for later.’
    â€˜Oooh, it’s difficult to concentrate on the meal. It’s causing so much sensation... I can hardly keep still.’
    Her body shivered delightfully, and then shuddered again. She pushed away the guilt about the used plug hiding, deciding to say nothing at all.
    â€˜But you will be still. You will accept the pleasure they offer. And you will refrain from touching yourself.’
    Pools of brown mirrored his, and the gentleness she saw took away the sternness of his words. Other couples were scattered across the room around them, and yet somehow they seemed a world apart. Even though she had known this man only a short while, she felt she had been part of him forever. With him she felt so comfortable, so safe. There was the strongest bond between them that made her feel very special, very cherished, very loved.
    â€˜You are wondering, and I will tell you this. We are strong you and I. Our connection is far beyond that of any ordinary relationship, however close a couple might be. For our relationship is so much deeper, based on a power exchange, the dynamics between us, both equals in the sense that each gives and receives what we want out of it. And we will be so much more than Master/slave. We will

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