Be My Bride

Be My Bride by Regina Scott Page B

Book: Be My Bride by Regina Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Scott
Tags: Regency Romance Novellas
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closer to the nursery stairs,” he told her honestly. “I thought you’d need the bigger room. But if you don’t like it . . .”
    She expelled her breath slowly and forced her fists, which were balled at her sides, to open. “No, no, this chamber is fine. I’m sorry I made a fuss. You see, this is obviously the master’s bedchamber, and I noticed your things on the dresser and that made me think . . .”
    “That I was installing you in my bedchamber,” Daniel finished, understanding at last. “I’m sorry I’m such a slow top. I should have explained it to you. In fact, I probably should have let you make the arrangements. It strikes me now that perhaps you’d rather the boys slept on this floor, near us.”
    She picked at the lace on the sleeve of her gown, afraid to ask him for even such a small favor after making such a silly mistake. “Would you mind?”
    “Not in the slightest. As I said, we’ve plenty of space. I daresay John at least is of an age at which he’d like his own.”
    “My own room!” John gasped in the doorway.
    Daniel smiled at his face. Despite the look of astonishment, it was cheerier now than anytime he could remember. It pleased him to think he might have had some hand in that. “Your very own, if you’d like it.”
    “I’ll say!” John declared. “Hear that, you two?” he called to his brothers who were hurrying up the corridor with Evenson puffing at their heels. “I’m to have my own room!”
    “I want my own room too!” Adam demanded.
    James looked thoughtful. “I don’t think I should like to sleep alone just yet. Especially in a strange house.”
    “It’s not a strange house,” Adam said with a pout. “It’s our home, isn’t it, Mr. Daniel?”
    “It certainly is, my good man,” Daniel told him, scooping him up and depositing him on his shoulders. He caught Evenson grimacing at the gesture and grinned. “There are at least eight bedchambers along this corridor. You may have your pick of the lot, with your mother’s approval, of course.”
    Cynthia nodded, and John and James dashed off in opposite directions, whooping in delight. Daniel felt Adam wiggling.
    “Hurry up, Mr. Daniel. We don’t want them getting the best rooms!”
    Evenson cleared his throat. “Might I be excused, sir? If you’re going to be making alternative living arrangements, I really should let the staff know.”
    Daniel shooed him out of the way, heading out into the corridor while Adam cried out impossible directions. It felt a little odd being pointed by a child hanging onto his ears, but Adam wasn’t a heavy burden and they were quickly in the midst of the search.
    It took over an hour for them to inspect each of the chambers in the family wing and decide on a likely grouping. John picked a corner chamber with a turret window overlooking the west fields. After some consideration, James and Adam decided they would share the larger chamber next door for the time being, as it had a connecting door to a chamber that could be used as a playroom.
    With some relief, Cynthia settled on the chamber opposite theirs and next to John’s. The single large south-facing window let in plenty of light, and, when she looked out, she could see the rose gardens below. The yellow and green bed hangings and upholstery on the chairs and stool near the white stone fireplace made the chamber seem much cheerier than the master bedchamber. The only problem was that Daniel chose the chamber next door.
    He caught her eyeing the connecting door with obvious misgivings. As the boys discussed where they would put their few belongings, he drew her aside, hoping to calm her fears once and for all.
    “Interesting architecture, don’t you think?” he nodded toward the offending door.
    She managed a polite smile. “I suppose it was to allow visiting couples to reach each other more easily.”
    “Undoubtedly. But the Lewistons of the past were a practical lot. Just in case the couples weren’t all that

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