Bearly In Time
spitting image of Connor, but with her freckles on the tops of his cheeks. She loved watching the two of them walking around the forest in their bear forms. Cory was the cutest little cub.
    “Here you go boss,” Sidney said, placing a present in front of Connor. He was holding the nine month old baby under his arm like a football.
    “I’m sorry Connor,” Angie said, shaking her head. “I wanted to get you something nice but he insisted on getting you that.”
    Connor opened the box and pulled out a table cloth sized football jersey. It was a Chicago Bears jersey with WATTS stitched into the back.
    “It’s my NFL uniform,” Sidney said proudly. “You can hang it up in the lobby.”
    “Oh my,” Connor said, hiding his face with the shirt. “You shouldn’t have.”
    “Yes,” Angie said, rolling her eyes. “You shouldn’t have.”
    Rebecca looked at her old friend and smiled. Angie had done really well out here. She had spearheaded three really successful studies in her observatory and even managed to win a Nobel Prize for discovering something that Rebecca still didn’t understand even though Angie explained it to her four times.
    She had done all of that and had two kids. Rebecca glanced over her shoulder at Sabrina Myrtle Watts reading a book in the corner of the dining room. She definitely took after Angie. And the other one, Fabian Myrt Watts, was biting Sidney’s forearm. He definitely took after his father.
    Angie and Sidney had been very happy despite the constant bickering and arguing. It was part of the fun for them. They were both highly competitive people and loved to try and one up the other.
    Sidney still wasn’t very good at kayaking but Connor kept him on as an employee anyways. He never made it back to the NFL but he did end up coaching the football team at the local high school. They were pretty good too only losing one game last season. The group would all watch the game, every Friday night, sneaking some wine in their thermoses and cheering loudly. It was always a blast.
    “This is for you,” Grace said, handing Connor a large, wrapped up rectangle.
    Cory helped Connor open it as Rebecca watched over his shoulder. “Wow,” they both gasped at the same time.
    “Grace you did this?” Rebecca asked. It was a painting of her little family: Connor, Cory and her. There was so much detail that it looked like a photograph.
    Grace nodded proudly.
    “Now this I’ll put in the lobby,” Connor said, admiring it.
    Grace had become a well known painter over the past few years. She had even traveled back to New York City last year for her own art show. The six of them, and the kids, went with her. It was the first time any of them were back in the city. It had been fun but they were all eager to get back to the mountains. This was their real home.
    “A real Grace Brigg’s painting,” Connor said. “We’ll have to get better locks on the doors.”
    Grace chuckled and waved him away but there was some truth to that. Her paintings of the New Hampshire mountains and landscapes were becoming very valuable. Someone had flown in from Paris last week just to buy her latest painting.
    Edwin slid up behind Grace and wrapped his arm around her stomach. Edwin was still…well, Edwin. He still phased at the drop of a hat and said well-intentioned but inappropriate things. But they all loved him and wouldn’t change a thing.
    Grace and Edwin had a two year old boy, Mitch, who took after Edwin. Even right now the little cub was under the table in his bear form sniffing around.
    “Here you go bro,” Roxy said, handing Connor her gift.
    Connor had introduced Rebecca to Roxy and the two of them connected like sisters. She had liked her immediately. Roxy was funny and smart and she always kept Rebecca on her toes with her clever comments and witty observations. Rebecca had convinced her to move out here with them and Roxy agreed. She began working at Brooke Excursions.
    Bookings increased dramatically when

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