Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Reece Butler Page B

Book: Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Reece Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reece Butler
Tags: Romance
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older, and acted like the sister he’d never had. He took a deep sip of her excellent coffee and let the warmth seep into him.
    “Oz won’t be able to see out of his good eye for a few days, but he’s used to that,” he said. “Luke’s jealous as a green-eyed cat about Oz kissing Sarah, and I’m here to make sure no one tries to touch her tonight.”
    “If Luke’s so jealous, why isn’t he here instead of you?”
    “The last thing you need is Luke in your dining room, trying to prove he can kiss better than Oz.”
    “It would be something to top that kiss.” She turned to him with a wicked grin. “Did you know Jack had to poke Oz in the neck with his knife to make him let go of Sarah?”
    “No, Oz didn’t mention that part. Just that she enjoyed it just as much as he did.” He shook his head, still smiling. “I bet that made Jack’s day. He’s usually the one getting in trouble.”
    “Did you come here to see if Sarah will enjoy your kiss?”
    Gabe’s ear tips began to burn in a way he was becoming too familiar with lately. He checked out the pies waiting on the shelf nearby. “Ah, no. I thought I’d check out the dining room. Keep an eye out in case someone doesn’t believe Sarah’s taken.”
    “You know the grapevine. Word will have spread that she’s under the Circle C’s protection. Who would try anything?”
    “Stumpy said he saw Big Joe Sheldrake hanging around Baldy’s Saloon. I heard Sheldrake spent the winter whooping it up in Virginia City.”
    “We wouldn’t want him to think he can do it here,” replied Sophie thoughtfully.
    Gabe nodded, since his mouth was full of Sophie’s great coffee. He couldn’t wait for some of the venison stew bubbling on the stove. He’d never shared wild kisses with a woman, but kisses weren’t everything. He wanted the quiet moments of marriage, like those he remembered from childhood. The way his mother would rest her hand on his father’s shoulder when he finally sat at the end of a long day. How his father would turn up his weather-beaten face and pat her hand. They’d share a quiet smile full of promises.
    Other men might want nothing more than hot meals, clean clothes, and a curved body under them at night. He wanted a strong, smart woman who could laugh and cry with him. One who’d listen while he talked over his thoughts and dreams, and feel free to share her own.
    As far as he could tell, Luke wanted a wife to give him sons and Oz wanted hot sex and no commitments. Gabe wanted Sarah, just the way she was. At the same time, he couldn’t destroy Luke’s chance of the future he so desperately wanted. But if Sarah kissed him like she had Oz, all bets were off. He couldn’t deny the woman anything, including himself. He fought the sudden surge of arousal. Sarah wouldn’t want him, a virgin who’d rarely even kissed a girl. She’d want someone like Oz, who knew his way around a woman and could flatter her with quick words. He cleared his throat.
    “Sheldrake would want Sarah because she’s beautiful.”
    “Men like him get enjoyment from destroying what others want,” said Sophie. She nodded to herself. “It’s a good thing Billy’s staying with her at the bakery.”
    “Bakery?” A bolt of dread hit Gabe square in the chest. “Isn’t she back living with Nora Dawes now that Mrs. Johnston bought Frederick Smythe’s house?”
    “No, Billy’s father needs to make a bedroom for her on the ground floor before she moves in. She can’t climb stairs so, while she waits, she’s using the room at Nora’s. Sarah’s been sleeping in the loft above the bakery. Billy bunks down in the kitchen, guarding her.”
    Gabe slammed down the empty cup. “Billy O’Keefe is guarding Sarah against men like Sheldrake? He’s what, ten years old?”
    Sophie averted her eyes. “Twelve, and very responsible. But the kitchen used to be where they stored the gold when the building was an assay office. There’s only one window, high up, the walls

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