killed her parents, how could I kill her? But... but she was actually getting close to Bridget and David. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger.
    I dropped the gun and began to cry. And then I heard another gunshot. I looked toward the building and saw Tasha holding the gun out. I looked to where she was aiming and saw that the man had gotten back up.
    Everyone was staring all around, glancing repeatedly back to me. Tasha came over and put her arms around me.
    “It’s okay now.” she said.
    “She looked so much like Bridget.” I whispered.
    “I know. It’s okay.”
    “We should go.” Amber said. “There’ll be more. They must have heard the shots. We need to go.”
    “No!” I said. I bent over and picked up the gun. “Same plan. I’ll stand guard and you guys go get the food we need. Cans, mostly. Nothing that can go bad if not refrigerated.”
    “You sure you’re up to this?” Tasha asked.
    “I’m fine. Go check the back room to make sure nobody comes out and gets them.”
    There was sound down the road. Voices. I watched the road, hoping that we had found some others that could help us. Except it didn’t sound like they were too friendly.
    “We’re done.” Bridget said.
    “Um,” They were all staring at me, like I was supposed to be in charge here. Oh yeah, I am. “You’re all going back to the car. Tasha, you’re in charge.”
    “What about you?” Amber asked.
    “I have to go check something.” I pointed down the road. “I’ll be right behind you, okay.”
    “I’ll come with you.” she said.  
    “No, you’re going back with Tasha.”
    “You shouldn’t be alone.”
    “I’ll be okay.”
    “Becca, you can’t do this.” Bridget whined. “Well you just can’t go, you’re supposed to take care of us.”
    “Tasha will take care of you.”
    “But Dad said...”
    “I’ll be there in a while, Bridget.”
    “But... what if something happens to you?”
    “It won’t.”
    “I’ll be alone.”
    “Bridge, I’ll be fine and I’ll be there in two minutes.”
    “What’s so damn important?” she asked, sounding very much older and angrier than any thirteen year old should be.
    “I’ll tell you when I get there. Just go. I’ll be okay, Bridget. Now go, I love you.”
    “Well goodbye then, I guess.” she said. She turned her face away from me and struck a defiant posture. 
    “Tasha will take care of you if anything happens.”
    “Tasha, please?”
    “Just hurry back, Becca.” Tasha told me. “If this is important, fine, but hurry back.”
    “I will. Be careful.”
    They went their way, and I went the opposite direction so I could check on the voices. I snuck around a couple of buildings, and down an alley, then between two houses. And there they were. Heading toward where we just left, probably heading toward the sound of the guns.
    Seven... no, eight guys. All with huge guns. Between them, being shoved around by two of the guys, were three women, probably all mid twenties to early thirties. The guys were pointing guns at them, shouting at them, shoving and hitting them. The girls were covered in bruises. I can’t let these guys find the others. The world falls apart and the first thing those guys think about is holding those women hostage? And what are they doing with them? I really don't want to know, I guess. Those poor women.  
    I hurried back, running as fast as I could so we could be out of town before those guys had any idea where we were. Except I bumped into one of the stumblers. He was just shuffling and stumbling around, and when I ran into him his arms wrapped around me. I screamed, and wiggled, and finally got free. That was too close! I hurried back to the car and climbed into the front seat.
    “Go!” I shouted.
    “What’s going on?” Bridget asked. Tasha spun the tires taking off.
    “There were people.” I said. I started crying again. 
    “What? We have to go

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