Becoming His Slave

Becoming His Slave by Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan Page B

Book: Becoming His Slave by Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan
Tags: BDSM, slave, mf, mm, caning, master, ds
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painful hunger that caused her to whimper for what she could not bring.
     “Would you like some help with that?” Trenton’s voiced replaced the music that no longer filled the room.
    Sudden shock and a yelp shot from her lips. Katianna’s eyes shot open and with a gasping start, she sank under the water’s surface submerging herself completely under the sudsy water to hide, but realization quickly warned that probably wasn’t a safe idea considering what her body was going through from the bath products. She emerged slowly stopping where the water line of her bathwater caressed the bottom of her lips, her eyes looking up at Trenton through dampened lashes. Thank god for bath bubbles .
    She blinked at him a moment, but she wasn’t going to be able to remain still for long. Her theca still rebelling like a firestorm inside her, screaming for attention even if she was not successful to bring it. “Your company does that too? Provide those kinds of escorts?” A hint of her torment breaking past her embarrassment, but it was more exalted from her agony to not be able to find some release for herself.
    Trenton’s eyes smiled with a deep lust, he’d seen far more then she would have liked him to seen. “No. I’m off duty now. Which allows me some room for personal interactions.”
    “With clients?”
    “No, but then you’re not my client. Amelia is. You’re my charge.”
    “Now you’re talking semantics.” Her breathe still heavy, ragged.
    “It's in a man’s nature to perceive in our own favor.”
    The craving was beyond her control, screaming through her nerves. Katianna turned to her side and rested her face on the curved edge of the tub looking up at him. The tingling sensation from the body wash was still at it, swirling around her nerves like tiny coils of static. She fought to keep the fury from being displayed on her face. She wrapped her legs around each other sinking her fingers between them to massage at her clit and tease the cleft of her labia to part them again, pressing her thighs tight, crushing the heel of her palm against her clit to help grind against it. Her eyes closed and she tucked her face away from him. She could just imagine Trenton’s hand slipping between her legs, sliding over slick skin, then grazing over her cleft, parting the petals of her entrance teasing the rim with a calloused finger. He’d reach tender areas she could not, while his firm fingers would burn her walls to ignite and explode. It was good to be a writer.
    She licked a her lips rolling them into her teeth to bite at them as she clench her muscles, a forced shiver then another tightening, then she felt the shudder and all the muscles of her pudendum, even the muscles around her ass clamped tight and clipped out the small heightened release.
    The shuddered sigh escaped her and made a rippling effect in the water around her.
    “Are all your baths this beautiful to watch?” Deep and heady she could hear the lust burning on him. But his control far superseded her own.
    Her tormented expression floated up to look at him, pale baby blues peeking through thick feathery lashes. She was snared; entranced with the sensations of what her body was doing to her. Like a piece of art that had come to life to capture his desires and steal his soul.
    Katianna hadn’t meant to allow this in front of him, but she wasn’t exactly in the position to stop it either. The soaps had not just enhanced her skins sensitivity, but created cooling chills dancing around her clit and insides, scoring a savage appetite to come awake and the animal that stirred refused to be tamed. Okay so she was thorough when it came to washing and now she was paying the price for it. She blushed and she was certain it was well noted by him. “It’s the bath soaps they gave me—” Another shudder, a gentle aftershock rippled through her, “They’re dangerous.”
    “Are they?” He grinned with heated mischievousness, “Guess I need to buy you some

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