Becoming His Slave

Becoming His Slave by Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan

Book: Becoming His Slave by Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talon P. S., Ayla Stephan
Tags: BDSM, slave, mf, mm, caning, master, ds
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only some over that, it wasn’t until he tried to brush her teeth for her that she swatted him away and took over. That only disappointed him. He was having a great deal of fun with it. But then he had to remind himself he was on the job and she was his charge and left her to finish getting ready alone.
    Once he’d coaxed her from her room, the day got started at a far better pace for her. They had breakfast and she had some time to browse a few of the booths before her first scheduled meet-n-greet which was a group arrangement. She and several other special guests where paneled together at a table in one of the salons, while visitors who paid a small fee sat inside for two hours and got to ask questions and listen to the panel as they answered and shared details of their profession and where they got their inspiration. 
    Katianna fit right in with her group when you wouldn’t expect her to. At least not after what Trenton had watched her go through the night before, but taken out of the crowd she fell right in place alongside the other guests that included Paranormal Romance writer, Amy Kendricks; porn stars Brimma Dawn, Delta Star and Chase Sinz; and airbrush/sketch artist Louis Ashton, famous for his beautiful exotic woman and book cover illustrations and ‘Sharp’ an anime illustrator for hentai anime porn.
    After more browsing, then a two hour slot for one on one meet-n-greets, Katianna was finally free for the rest of the day, which they spent browsing the remaining booths on the floor. She hadn’t forgotten it was Trenton that dragged her out of bed in the first place so she took delight in tormenting him over the variety of bondage gear that was displayed on the floor. She even went as far as request demonstrations from the booth ambassadors so she could watch and quiz him as he watched almost painfully, knowing it wasn’t being done right or to his standards.
    And all the time she clung to him seeking shelter from the crowd of people they strode through. She inspected every booth—what was in them, what things were for, then questioned in depth on what he liked and didn’t like. She even received a gift basket from one booth in hopes his bath products might inspire her to use them in her stories. Katianna had yet to take advantage of the bathtub in her room so she gladly accepted the variety of notions, but made no promises that she could legally mention them in her stories.
    After they had covered all the booths, Trenton was suffering a raging hard on and his desires well tortured, he persuaded her to an early dinner so they could all retire to their rooms.
    ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~
    Hours later and back in her room, Katianna laid her head back in the tub letting the steamy water soak away the stress from the day and nurture dreamy thoughts of Trenton. Too bad the expo wasn’t in some place exotic and tropical like Aruba… or Hawaii. New York was just too damn cold all the time and she didn’t compare to the super models and actresses that flooded the city. At least out on a beach she stood a chance to catch his eye, her petit body simply looked better in a bikini then the boney models did. She made no misconception that the Dominus had tolerated her playful banter at his own expense, but she was curious and he was her only means to get the answers she wanted without being subjected to crude advancements. Not that she would have minded any advancement from Trenton, and from what she had seen in him he would never be crude about it. Direct, elicit and domineering— yes —but never crude or insulting. Even more, here in the privacy of her uniquely romantic hotel suite, she could make him what she needed him to be. She could fantasize in the over sized garden tub that just happened to be sitting next to her bed—she thought that was super sexy and was going to have to work that into a scene soon and just behind her a fireplace cracked, even if it was one of those fake electric

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