always knackered?'
'I had a late night.'
'Oh yes, you have one of Medea's old girlfriends staying over don't you?'
'Come on then, what's she like?'
'Well, I only met her last night and to be honest they'd both been at the wine.'
'Hey, you never know you might get the chance...'
'Don't even go there,' Lasser warned.
Bannister grinned.
'Have you eaten yet?'
'No we've just got in; I was going to do a quick stir-fry.'
Lasser was crawling along in the endless snake of teatime traffic, a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth. 'Well, I know its short notice but why don't we eat out?'
'That would be nice.'
'Do you want to check with Emma first?'
'She's in the shower but I know she said she was starving so she'll be up for it.'
'Right well, I'm on my way home but the traffic’s a nightmare.'
'No worries, we’ll be ready.'
'Sorted, I'll see you soon.'
'Love you.'
'Ditto,' Lasser ended the call and slid the window down before flicking his ash through the gap.
Twenty minutes later, he pulled onto the drive and climbed from the car. He found Emma in the lounge drying her hair. When she spotted him, she smiled and clicked the dryer off.
'Hi, Medea's just hopped into the shower.'
Slipping off his jacket, he tossed it onto the sofa before dragging his tie loose. 'No problem.'
'Busy day?'
'Finishing at this time it feels like half a day.'
'Medea said you work long hours.'
'Too long, that's why it makes a nice change to clock off early.'
Emma picked up a tiny bottle of nail varnish and unscrewed the lid; Lasser caught the scent of pear drops. 'So, how long have you been a police officer?'
'Man and boy,' he said with a smile.
Emma lifted her foot onto the coffee table and dragged the small brush across the nail of her big toe. 'I still can't believe you and Med are getting married.'
Lasser sat down in the bouncy chair. 'I can't believe she said yes.'
Emma looked up and smiled. 'She's mad for you.'
Her words took him by surprise and he felt the colour flood to his cheeks.
She tilted her head. 'You must know that?'
'Do you fancy a drink?' Lasser said as he bounded to his feet.
Emma laughed lightly. 'I've embarrassed you?'
'White wine OK?' Lasser asked as he headed for the door.
'Red if you have it.'
Lasser nodded and disappeared from the room.
Emma shook her head and turned back to painting her nails.
Donny Elliot cursed low under his breath as he missed the gear change; the engine whined as he dipped the clutch and rammed the lever into second.
' Bastard thing! ' he snarled as the ancient Transit kangarooed up the steep incline. The road snaked up the hill bordered with huge oak and beech trees, the surface smothered with a wet blanket of last year's fallen leaves.
The van began to slow down and he took a deep breath before clattering into first gear. He could see a set of headlights approaching fast in the wing mirror, the driver flicked on the main beam and Donny squinted against the sudden glare.
After what seemed an age a small opening appeared on the left and he indicated before turning onto the small car park, the car behind shot past, horn blaring, lights flashing.
' Fucker! ' Donny gasped as he drove across the patch of broken tarmac, the headlights of the van scythed through the darkness. When he spotted the litterbin, he pulled up alongside and killed the engine before turning off the lights. Clicking open the door, Donny sniffed and grimaced at the raw smell of wet earth before climbing out.
The tops of the huge trees groaned and creaked as the wind riffled through the branches. Yanking a small torch from his pocket, he headed over to the bin and shone the torch inside. Grunting, he dipped his hand through the gap and pulled out the plastic ASDA bag.
Donny clamped the torch between his teeth, tugged it open and peered inside; dragging out the empty sandwich wrapper he threw it onto the ground before sliding his hand back inside again, a Mars bar wrapper
Jules Barnard
Max Brand
Patrick Bishop
Jake Woodhouse
Jim Holt
Renee Lewin
David Beers
Anne Eliot
Jackie Kennedy
Alison Ryan