was cast to one side, along with an empty bag of crisps. When his fingers came across the tiny plastic bag he grinned and the torch slipped from his teeth.
' Shit! ' He made a grab for it and missed, the torch hit the ground, and the light vanished.
Tossing the ASDA bag to one side he bent down and lifted the torch; the sound of broken glass tinkling to the floor brought a sneer of anger to Donny Elliot's face.
' Twat ,' he hissed before throwing the shattered remains into the long grass. Heading back to the van, he climbed in and flicked on the interior light. The small bag contained about a tablespoon full of white powder.
Donny grinned and slid it inside his pocket before starting the engine; half a minute later he pulled off the car park and headed down the hill.
' Yee ha! ' he bellowed as the van hurtled down the twisting hillside.
They made a stunning pairing, Medea with her jet-black hair piled high on her head and Emma as fair as Medea was dark. From the corner of his eye, Lasser could see a group of three blokes sitting a few tables away eyeing them up. One of them whispered something to his mate and then all three were laughing.
Lasser ignored them and speared a chip with his fork. 'So what are your plans for tomorrow?' he asked.
'Well, we thought of having a ride out to Southport.'
'Don't forget to bring me back a stick of rock.'
Emma smiled. 'What about one of those sugar dummies?'
'No hang on, I'll have a bag of doughnuts and candy floss.'
'Sounds as if you have a sweet tooth?'
'He doesn't like to discriminate, Em, in fact, he'll eat anything, and if it's deep fried or smothered in chocolate then it's even better.'
'There's nothing wrong with a healthy appetite,' Lasser said straight faced.
Medea shook her head. 'Lasser thinks doughnuts and candyfloss are part of your five a day, don't you, sweetheart?'
The laughter from the three men increased, one of them sounded like a donkey with asthma.
'I'm just nipping to the little girl's room,' Emma said with a smile as she pushed back her chair and stood up.
'Hang on I'll come with you.'
Lasser raised an eyebrow. 'Why do you always go in pairs?'
Emma flicked her hair. 'It's so we can talk about you behind your back.'
'I'd like to imagine that's a joke but somehow I think you're being serious.'
Med dropped her napkin onto the table. 'Your ears should start burning in the next thirty seconds so be warned.'
He watched as they made their way past the group of men, all three turned to watch. Lasser felt the first stirrings of anger.
Picking up his drink, he took a long pull watching them closely over the rim of the glass.
To take his mind off the morons, he pulled out his phone to check for messages. As expected the box was empty.
When one of the men stood up and disappeared around the corner Lasser sat up, the other two men were whispering to one another and then one of them glanced across the room towards him and flashed a smarmy grin.
'Tossers,' he mumbled darkly.
Both were dressed in flash suits; they had that oiled look of sales representatives away from home and desperate to play the field.
Popping another chip into his mouth, he chewed and swallowed, before taking another glug of Guinness.
The one who had his back to Lasser glanced over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow as if to say 'What's your problem?'
Dragging out his wallet, Lasser slid a tenner free and pushed himself to his feet before walking over to the cigarette machine. Both men watched as he crossed the room weaving between tables as he approached.
'Do we have a problem, Mister ?'
Lasser stopped and looked down at the man who had been giving him the eye; his friend sat opposite and licked his lips as he saw the look on Lasser's face. He looked to be about thirty and overweight, his gut strained at the buttons of his cream coloured shirt.
'Leave it, Paul ,' he said to the man sitting opposite.
Paul threw him a look of disgust. 'What are you talking about, Don, this
Maureen Lee
Vicki Lewis Thompson
Ruth Scurr
Russ Watts
William Wharton
Eric Walters
Melyssa Winchester
Joan Wolf
Matthew Hughes
Catherine Palmer