Becoming Light

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Book: Becoming Light by Erica Jong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Jong
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    I draw black curls on all the men I write.
    I don’t even look anymore.
    I thought of you in Istanbul.
    Your Byzantine face,
    thin lips & hollow cheeks,
    the fanatical melting brown eyes.
    In Hagia Sophia they’re stripping down
    the moslem plaster
    to find mosaics underneath.
    The pieces fit in place.
    You’d have been a Saint.
    I’m good at interiors.
    Gossip, sharpening edges, kitchen poems—
    & have no luck at all with maps.
    It’s because of being a woman
    & having everything inside.
    I decorated the cave,
    hung it with animal skins & woolens,
    such soft floors,
    that when you fell
    you thought you fell on me.
    You had a perfect sense of bearings
    to the end,
    were always pointing North.
    Flying you home—
    good Christ—flying you home,
    you were terrified.
    You held my hand, I held
    my father’s hand & he
    filched pills from the psychiatrist
    who’d come along for you.
    The psychiatrist was 26 & scared.
    He hoped I’d keep you calm.
    & so we flew.
    Hand in hand in hand in hand we flew.

    The universe (which others call the library)…
    —Jorge Luis Borges
    Books which are stitched up the center with coarse white thread
    Books on the beach with sunglass-colored pages
    Books about food with pictures of weeping grapefruits
    Books about baking bread with browned corners
    Books about long-haired Frenchmen with uncut pages
    Books of erotic engravings with pages that stick
    Books about inns whose stars have sputtered out
    Books of illuminations surrounded by darkness
    Books with blank pages & printed margins
    Books with fanatical footnotes in no-point type
    Books with book lice
    Books with rice-paper pastings
    Books with book fungus blooming over their pages
    Books with pages of skin with flesh-colored bindings
    Books by men in love with the letter O
    Books which smell of earth whose pages turn


The Evidence
    Evidence of life:
    hundreds of split-seconds
    when the eyes glazed over,
    the hair stopped its growing,
    the nails froze in fingertips,
    the blood hung suspended
    in its vessels—
    while the small bloodships,
    the red & white bloodboats
    buoyed up & down at anchor
    like the toys
    of millionaires….
    Evidence of life:
    a split-second’s death
    to live forever
    in something called
    a print.
    A paparazzo life:
    I shoot therefore I am.
    Why does life need evidence
    of life?
    We disbelieve it
    even as we live.
    The bloodboats gently rocking,
    the skull opening every night
    to dreams more vivid than itself,
    more solid
    than its own bones,
    the brain flowering with petals,
    stamens, pistils,
    magical fruit
    which reproduces
    from its own juice,
    which invents
    its own mouth,
    & makes itself anew
    each night.
    Evidence of life?
    My dreams.
    The dreams which I write down.
    The dreams which I relate
    each morning with a solemn face
    inventing as I go.
    Evidence of life:
    that we could meet for the first time,
    open our scars & stitches to each other,
    weave our legs around
    each other’s patchwork dreams
    & try to salve each other’s wounds
    with love—
    if it was love.
    (I am not sure at all
    if love is salve
    or just
    a deeper kind of wound.
    I do not think it matters.)
    If it was lust or hunger
    & not love,
    if it was all that they accused us of
    (that we accused ourselves)—
    I do not think it matters.
    Evidence of love?
    I imagine our two heads
    sliced open like grapefruits,
    pressed each half to half
    & mingling acid juice
    in search of sweet.
    I imagine all my dreams
    sliding out into your open skull—
    as if I were the poet,
    you the reader.
    I imagine all your dreams
    pressed against my belly
    like your sperm
    & singing into me.
    I imagine my two hands
    cupped around your life
    & stroking it.
    I imagine your two hands
    making whirlpools
    in my blood,
    then quelling them.
    I have no photograph of you.
    At times I hardly can believe in you.
    Except this ache,
    this longing in my gut,
    this emptiness which theorizes you

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