Becoming Light

Becoming Light by Erica Jong Page B

Book: Becoming Light by Erica Jong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Jong
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if there is emptiness this deep,
    there must be fullness somewhere.
    My other half!
    My life beyond this half-life!
    Is life a wound
    which dreams of being healed?
    Is love a wound which deepens
    as it dreams?
    Do you exist?
    these poems in which
    I have been conjuring you,
    this book which makes your absence palpable,
    these longings printed black.
    I am exposed.
    I am a print of darkness
    on a square of film.
    I am a garbled dream
    told by a breakfast-table liar.
    I am a wound which has forgotten how to heal.
    & if it wasn’t love,
    if you called me now
    across the old echo chamber of the ocean
    & said:
    “Look, I never loved you,”
    I would feel
    a little like a fool perhaps,
    & yet it wouldn’t matter.
    My business is to always feel
    a little like a fool
    & speak of it.
    & I am sure
    that when we love
    we are better than ourselves
    & when we hate,
    & even if we call it madness later
    & scrawl four-letter words
    across those outhouse walls
    we call our skulls—
    we stand revealed
    by those sudden moments
    when we come together.
    Or was it just my dream
    waltzing with your dream?
    My nightmare kissing yours?
    When I awakened
    did I walk with Jacob’s limp?
    Did I sing a different song?
    Did I find the inside of my palm
    scarred as if
    (for moments) it held fire?
    Did my blood flow as riverwater flows
    around a tree stump—
    crooked, with a lilt?
    What other evidence
    did I need?

Seventeen Warnings in Search of a Feminist Poem
    For Aaron Asher
    1        Beware of the man who denounces ambition;
    his fingers itch under his gloves.
    2        Beware of the man who denounces war
    through clenched teeth.
    3        Beware of the man who denounces women writers;
    his penis is tiny & cannot spell.
    4        Beware of the man who wants to protect you;
    he will protect you from everything but himself.
    5        Beware of the man who loves to cook;
    he will fill your kitchen with greasy pots.
    6        Beware of the man who loves your soul;
    he is a bullshitter.
    7        Beware of the man who denounces his mother;
    he is a son of a bitch.
    8        Beware of the man who spells son of a bitch as one word;
    he is a hack.
    9        Beware of the man who loves death too well;
    he is taking out insurance.
    10      Beware of the man who loves life too well;
    he is a fool.
    11      Beware of the man who denounces psychiatrists;
    he is afraid.
    12      Beware of the man who trusts psychiatrists;
    he is in hock.
    13      Beware of the man who picks your dresses;
    he wants to wear them.
    14      Beware of the man you think is harmless;
    he will surprise you.
    15      Beware of the man who cares for nothing but books;
    he will run like a trickle of ink.
    16      Beware of the man who writes flowery love letters;
    he is preparing for years of silence.
    17      Beware of the man who praises liberated women;
    he is planning to quit his job.

    Eggs boiling in a pot.
    They click
    like castanets.
    I put one in a cup
    & slice its head off.
    Under the wobbly egg white
    is my first husband.
    Look how small he’s grown
    since last we met!
    “Eat me,” he says agreeably.
    I hesitate, then bite.
    The thick yolk runs down
    my thighs.
    I take another egg
    & slice its head.
    Inside is my second husband.
    This one’s better done.
    “You liked the white,” I say,
    “I liked the yolk.”
    He doesn’t speak
    but scowls as if to say:
    “Everyone always eats me
    in the end.”
    I chew him up
    but I spit out
    his jet-black hair,
    the porcelain jackets from his teeth,
    his cufflinks, fillings,
    eyeglass frames….
    I drink my coffee
    & I read the Times.
    Another egg is boiling in the pot.

Paper Cuts
    Endless duplication of lives and objects…
    —Theodore Roethke
    I have known the imperial power of secretaries,
    the awesome indifference of receptionists,
    I have been intimidated by desk & typewriter,

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