Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half

Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half by Rick A Johnson

Book: Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half by Rick A Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick A Johnson
ball, and wrestling in the dirt. Men often play ball; go bowling, hiking, hunting, or fishing; race cars; or do some other outdoor activity together.
    I personally get a lot of exercise—I frequently jump to conclusions. Seriously, though, I like to go to the gym to work out. My idea of a fun day is participating in some good, serious exercise, such as a power-lifting class, and then spending the rest of the day groaning about how sore I am.
    You can’t pay my wife enough to go to the gym. Her idea of a good day is to read a book and take a nap. As you can imagine, vacationing together presents a challenge. I usually go parasailing while she goes shopping. She’s a pretty good sport, though, and most of the time she goes along with me if for no other reason than to make sure I don’t seriously injure myself.
    Contrary to popular opinion, men like their wives to accompany them in their activities. They like their wives to be their companion while doing things they like to do. It is their way of developing intimacy. Guys that are friends do things together. Why wouldn’t a man want his wife and companion to do things with him as well?
    The word companion fits women well. And it is a word that feels good to a man. I like having a companion when I go somewhere or even just watch the ball game. The word com panion evokes images of a trustworthy, accepting, friendly, and supportive ally. A man needs a companion in life.
    One of my favorite things to do with Suzanne is take a walk in the evenings. It is my way of de-stressing from the day. It allows us to talk without distractions such as telephone calls, TV, or radios. Sometimes she doesn’t want to go with me, and I am always genuinely disappointed because walking together makes me feel closer to her.
    As I write this, she is planning on going wilderness camping with me this summer for the first time ever. I’m excited because she will be sharing one of my favorite activities with me. I’m sure there are other things she’d rather do than carry a fifty-pound backpack a dozen miles into the mountains, sleep on the dirt under the stars, and eat freeze-dried food for days at a time (not to mention having no bathroom). It is something I have been doing for years. She previously told me that at her age, her days of sleeping in the dirt are over and that a five-star hotel is her idea of roughing it. But I think she senses my urgency to share this part of myself with her.
    One man told me, “Men must have some play in their lives. It helps if their wife is involved. Find common interests and do them often. Do not judge play as childish or immature. Support it, encourage it, participate in it!”
    If a woman can understand the need her husband has to balance work with play, she can be a big influence in making sure he is leading a healthier life. In addition, sharing the activities he enjoys builds intimacy and friendship. Men need to play, and they need their women to play with them. Ladies, join your husband—it will make your relationship better.
    Fearfully and Wonderfully Made —Love the fact that God made him so different.
    Men need to play, especially with other men.
    Play for men often involves physical or outdoor activities.
    Men need dreams even if they never act on them.
    Men don’t always like to talk while at play. Talking is not a recreational activity for men.
    Most men still have a little boy inside them.
    Get inside His Head
    A man likes his wife to be a companion in things he enjoys doing.
    If his wife is dissatisfied with his income, a man will generally not take time off from work to play. If he does, he will not enjoy it.
    While work is important, a man gets beat up by it. He needs time off to relax and recharge his battery.
    Words Have Meaning
    Words That Heal
    “I think you should go fishing with the guys for a few days.”
    “Can I go to the auto show with you? I like to hear you talk about all those hot rods.”
    “How about taking a

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