Ben the Dragonborn

Ben the Dragonborn by Dianne E Astle

Book: Ben the Dragonborn by Dianne E Astle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne E Astle
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Epic
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Most had transformed from legs to tails, which they rested on a large central beam that was part of the underside of each table.  
    “Why do mer transform when they sit?”  Ben asked. 
    “It is natural for us.  It takes energy for us to maintain legs.”   
    Brina led Ben to a table near the kitchen to pick up his food.  One look at the food told Ben that breakfast was a repeat of what was served the night before.  He took some eggs and a little sea cucumber.  Brina led Ben to the nearest table and introduced him to a mermaid named Shirl who was about Ben’s age.  Brina left after asking Shirl to take Ben to Lea Waterborn’s office after breakfast.    
    “How do you like it here at Fairwaters?  Is it much like your school?”  Shirl asked.
    “I haven’t been here long, but there are similarities.”  
    “How many students are at your school?” Shirl asked. 
    “There are fifty eight,” Ben responded. "How many students are here at Fairwaters?”
    “There are only twenty-one actual students.  Any mer who can transform is brought here, but not everyone is a chosen.” 

As Ben looked around the room he saw a small group of young mer at a table sitting with legs rather than a tail.  He pointed them out to Shirl, who said, “Those students must spend the day without transforming. This happens several times during our training. The first time is short, but the time is increased until we can spend a week without returning to our natural form.  It is hard for us, but necessary, if we are to be chosen to go to other worlds.  Those who cannot last a week will never be chosen.  Their training comes to an end.  To fail is a great disappointment, not just for the student, but often for their family, as well.”    
    Ben was quiet for a moment as he thought of his own father. Where was his father?  Did his father go through a portal?  The times when his father left home on business was he on one of the other five worlds?  Had his father been a chosen all along?  Ben felt sure that he had.  Miss Templeton said something about Ben following in his father’s footsteps.  It struck Ben that his father would be disappointed if his son refused to try to help the people of this world.  If his mother and grandmother were still alive they too might be disappointed.    
    “How many students from your school go through the portal in a year? Shirl asked.
    Ben responded, “I don’t know. I knew nothing about Watchers or the Guardian until yesterday.” 
    “That is a surprise,” Shirl said, “I am going to Earth in eighteen months and I’ve spent a lot of time studying everything about Earth: its countries, people and creatures. What I am really curious about is a Venus Fly Trap.  Have you ever seen one?”
    Shirl asked all kinds of questions about Ben’s school, his family and his world. Ben answered her questions to the best of his ability. Shirl would have asked more but a bell rang.  “Come on, Ben. We must go. Class is starting and I must take you to Lea Waterborn first.”    
    Before Shirl left Ben, she said, “I hope to meet you again when I come to your world. It will be an honor to be able to serve your world as you are now serving mine.” Ben remained silent.  He did not tell Shirl that he planned to return to earth.  Ben turned sadly away and knocked on the office door. He waited until he heard the watcher invite him to come in.  
    When Ben entered Lea Waterborn’s office, he was surprised to see a human boy a couple of years older than himself there.  His first thought was that his replacement had already been sent. Ben was surprised when the Watcher did not introduce them. “Have you made your decision?” she asked Ben. 
    Ben was surprised to hear himself say, “Yes, I’m going to stay.”  It seemed like there was nothing else he could say.  As he said it, he knew it was the right decision, the only decision he could make.  He could go back, and if

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