Beneath the Silk
in Mississippi. A police chief for the city of New Orleans, is what Williams claims. That explains why Jacky’s in town. A few phone calls and I’ve learned that your father’s ace flew in five days ago as the mop crew. What’s your scam, Sunni? Ten o’clock in my office.”
    * * *
    “You’re a sleazy cop?”
    The force of her words nailed Jackson where be stood. “Homicide detective,” he corrected her.
    “You’re a con man with the morals of a snake.”
    “Bodyguard protecting the boss’s daughter.”
    “You must have me confused with that other guy,” Jackson returned. “The one who was tailing you the day I got here.”
    Her eyes widened. “Someone’s been tailing me, other than you?”
    “Not any longer. So Mommy and Daddy are buried in Mississippi, is that the story? That’s funny ‘cause I just talked to Daddy last night.”
    “What do you mean by, not any longer?”
    Jackson was trying to keep his temper corralled, but she was treading close to the end of his patience. She had no idea what he had been doing on her behalf since he’d gotten into town—without running water, no less.
    “If I’m going to be any use to you, I’m going to need your cooperation. As far as the stalker goes, he had a record. People who lie and cheat are usually easy to trip up. That leads us back to why Joe’s file on you is full of lies.”
    She glared at him. “I don’t cheat. The lie … the lie didn’t hurt anyone. About the stalker…”
    “Whoever paid him to watch you, paid him enough to keep his mouth shut. I explained to him that if he didn’t tell me who that was, he’d be jailed on a charge he couldn’t beat. He didn’t believe me.” Jackson shrugged. “He’ll do a year. Now, about this suspect mess—”
    “This mess, as you call it, Mr. NOPD, isn’t my doing.”
    “It doesn’t matter. It’s still in your face, Sis. That’s what matters. And Stud Williams goes by the book, sweetheart. If you’re on his suspect list, he’s got a damn good case, and the power to ruin your life.”
    “So what are you doing about it … Ace?”
    “I’ve been turning this city inside out to rescue your cute butt, that’s what I’ve been doing. And at the same time, I’ve been keeping an eye on you so—”
    “I know exactly what you’ve been keeping an eye on, you snake. And I’m sure my father would be interested to know what kind of man he’s sent to rescue me.”
    Jackson tried to keep a straight face, but even when she was angry, chewing tail, he liked looking at her. And that voice … oh, yeah, he definitely liked her husky voice. It didn’t fit her petite size, but then neither did the amount of frontage she was carrying. His grin widened.
    “That grin is going to cost you, Ace.”
    He should back off now, but Jackson had never been shy when it came to throwing another log on a hopping good blaze. And that was another lesson she needed to learn if they were going to work together without drawing blood. His gaze went to her swollen lip. “How was I supposed to know you were a practicing exhibitionist, Sis? If I had, I would have steered clear of the window.”
    “You arrogant, oversize—”
    Jackson held up his hand. “Whoa! I’m here to get you out of a tight spot, not to fight with you.”
    “And why didn’t you bother telling me this days ago?” She straightened to her full height and still the top of her head was below Jackson’s chin. “I’ve been sleeping with my gun under my pillow, one eye open and a foot on the floor, thinking you were a hit man for Vito Tandi, you slippery snake.”
    Jackson stepped into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He hadn’t eaten since last night and his stomach was attacking his ribs. “Next time someone comes to the door you don’t know—” he reached for the egg carton on the bottom shelf “—don’t open it.” He straightened and set the eggs on the counter and faced her across the counter. “Bolting into the hall

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