Beta’s Challenge
growl coming from behind him. He looked over his shoulder straight at Adrian. The look of pure lust on Adrian’s face told Gabriel that Toya was his Prima. Gabriel sat up slowly, rose from the coffee table and walked back to the couch to sit beside Tara. He then look to Adrian again and called his name to get his attention. It took a moment for Adrian to acknowledge Gabriel but when he did, Gabriel said, “Adrian, do you mind giving Toya a demonstration?”
    Shook from his lust-induced trance, Adrian gave a curt nod of his head and rose. He began removing his clothes.
    “Whoa, big fella. What the fuck are you doing?” Toya asked suddenly not so sure of this situation. Her back was ramrod straight and her crossed legs were now shoulder width apart, ready to make a move at any given second.
    “Don’t fear me, Toya. I mean you no harm, but I must be naked to show you what you need to see,” Adrian said as he came around the couch, unfastening his pants.
    Toya jumped up out of the chair and ran behind it. “You don’t have to show me anything. I believe you.”
    “I don’t think you do,” Adrian said shedding his pants and underwear.
    “Do all werewolves have big dicks?” Tara asked.
    “You, beautiful Tara, shouldn’t be looking at any cock other than mine,” Gabriel said, covering her eyes. Tara fought Gabriel’s hand in her face, trying see more of Adrian until Gabriel’s mouth found hers again. She lost all thought of Adrian, Tomas, and Toya. The kiss was deep and passionate until the scream from Toya let Tara know Adrian had shifted. Breaking the kiss to look up at her friend, Tara said, “Freaky shit, isn’t it?”
     Toya jumped over Tara and wedged herself between Gabriel and Tara on the couch. “He isn’t going to bite or attack is he?” Tara asked Gabriel, beginning to worry.
    Gabriel laughed at Toya’s antics and said, “Bite, no. Attack, maybe. Especially me if you don’t move away from me. Attack you also, maybe, but it won’t be the kind of attacking you think,” he replied, laughing.
    “What’s that supposed to mean?” Tara asked Gabriel sharply.
    “It means, Tara, I think Adrian has just found is Prima,” Gabriel replied.
    Sudden clarity of the situation came to Tara like a bolt of lightning. She looked at Gabriel then Toya. “Oooohhhh! Maybe we should leave them alone. I know they need to talk but I don’t think they’ll be comfortable talking here in front of everyone.”
    Gabriel and Tomas agreed and began to get up. Tara looked over to Tomas and said, “There’s a spare room if you want to go lie down and watch TV or something.”
    “No, thank you.” Tomas huffed.  “All this pussy and I am not getting any; I think I’ll head home. See you guys tomorrow,” Tomas said as he headed to the door.
    Toya was outraged. “I KNOW you’re not going to leave me here with this rabid, growling, overgrown Scooby, are you?” she said to Tara’s back as Tara and Gabriel headed up the stairs.
    Tara looked over her shoulder at Toya and said “Afraid so, babe. You can handle it. Goodnight.”
    With that, Tara, Gabriel and Tomas left Toya with a slobbering wolf licking his chops as if her were about to have his first meal after a month of starvation.

    Toya couldn’t move as wolf Adrian padded toward her. He walked right up to her, shoved his shoulders between her petrified legs and shoved his nose in her crotch. She knew he could smell the arousal that leaked from her pussy at the sight of him naked but instead of being scared, now she was just pissed.
    She swatted his nose with the flat of her palm. “Back off, Fido,” Toya said no longer feeling the cold fingers of fear holding her immobile.
    Wolf Adrian shook his head to soothe the sting of being popped on the nose. With a low growl, he put his front paws on the couch on either side of Toya’s legs. Again, he moved his snout to her crotch, sniffing and growling, daring her to hit him again.
    Tara backed up. “I’m sorry.

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