Beta’s Challenge
the club, the three of them forwent the normal barstools and headed for a booth in the back. After ordering their drinks, Tia decided she wanted to dance with a rather attractive man she spotted as she walked in the door.
    Once Tia left, Toya turned to Tara and said, “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or are you going to continue to lie, hoping I let it go?”
    Tara sat back in the seat and nursed her drink for a few moments. She looked Toya straight in the eye and decided she couldn’t hold it in any longer. Setting her glass down on the table, she took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
    “Before I start, I am not crazy,” Tara said, staring straight at Toya. “Just wanted you to know. When I got to Gabriel’s,” she had to pause and recompose herself, “I didn’t get a change to ask them. I was walking up the driveway toward the front door but heard a noise. I walked over to the living room window and I…” That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Tara lost it. Tears streamed down her face. She was shaking. “I need to go. I can’t be here right now, Toya.” Tara grabbed her purse, got up from the booth, and started pushing her way toward the door.
    Toya grabbed her purse, and started running after Tara. She spotted Tia on the way to the door and shoved Tia her purse explaining Tara left hysterically and she was going after her. Toya didn’t give Tia a chance to respond as she dashed to the door, made it to her car, crank it up and pulled out headed to Tara’s house.
    Chapter Five
    Tara made it home by the grace of God. She didn’t even remember getting in the car, more less driving herself home. She walked into the house, forgetting to close the door. She made it to the couch, dropping purse and keys on the floor in the foyer. She was so far gone, she didn’t hear Toya pull up, or walk into the living room.
     “What it is sweetie? I have NEVER seen you like this. You have GOT to tell me what happened,” Toya said as she sat on the side of the couch rubbing soothingly on Tara’s back.
    Tara took a deep steadying breath then said, “Gabriel, Tomas, and Adrian are werewolves. I got to the house and saw some man running raw dick, about eleven inches of raw dick, in Gabriel’s ass and he just laid there taking it.
    Toya, not sure if she really heard what Tara had said, stopped rubbing Tara’s back and said, “Run that by me again!”
    “You heard me.” Tara said sitting up and looking at Toya.
    “Okay, no more alcohol for you, ever,” Toya said getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.
    “You don’t believe me, do you? You think I’m crazy, don’t you Toya? I told you at the club. I am not crazy , Toya! You don’t have to treat me like a child having a temper tantrum,” Tara said suddenly, rage blinding her and causing her to lash out at Toya.
    “I’m not treating you like that Tara, you are just upset—” Toya began.
    “Don’t you DARE talk down to me, Toya. You can get the fuck out of my house if you came here to pity me,” Tara said now mad enough to spit nails.
    “Tara Marie Bennett, don’t you DARE take this shit out on me. I am only trying to be here for you. If you want to take this shit out on someone, take it out on the one that caused the fucking problem,” Toya said now letting her temper getting the better of her.
    They were about to go toe-to-toe when the doorbell rang. Tara looked at Toya then looked toward the door. She was in no mood for company and really didn’t want to be bothered. Toya, on the other hand, decided if it was who she thought it was, Tara really needed this confrontation and headed toward the door.
    “Don’t open that door, bitch. I am in NO mood to deal with anyone right now,” Tara said to Toya’s back. “Toya, I mean it,” Tara added.
    Toya ignored Tara and opened the door. She was right. Gabriel, Tomas and Adrian stood on the other

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