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Book: Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Bingley
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as well.'
    'I'm not nauseous but I don't like red wine.'
    There was a brief, ominous moment of silence before he spoke again. 'Drink it or I'll pour it down your throat for you.'
    Suddenly she was frightened, not only because he was drunk and the pregnancy announcement a disaster but also because of his sudden change of character. He was no longer the Toby she knew, and the fear showed in her eyes.
    'I've managed to frighten you for once, haven't I?' he jeered. 'Miss High and Mighty doesn't know what to do. Drink it up, Lisa.'
    She sat perfectly still, her hands in her lap, waiting tensely as he walked round the table and picked up her glass. 'Open your mouth and tip your head back,' he commanded softly.
    Pressing her lips closely together she lowered her head, and for the first time ever, Toby hit her. He hit her hard with the flat of his hand and she automatically opened her mouth to cry out. At once he put the other hand into her mouth, forcing her jaws wider apart and pushing back on her head, oblivious of her attempts to bite him. Her neck felt as though it was going to crack and then as he poured the wine down her throat she began to choke and splutter, so that half of it dribbled down her chin and on to the tablecloth.
    'There's a good little baby!' he sneered, releasing her head because the glass was empty. 'Now, how about some nice steak.'
    She was trembling all over and heard herself stammering. 'I'm not very h… h… '
    'Hungry?' he put helpfully, absent-mindedly taking a swallow from the whisky bottle.
    Lisa didn't answer him, hoping that he'd walk away and settle down with the whisky bottle. Trapped in a sudden nightmare, she longed to be left alone. 'Fine,' he said pleasantly. 'Then let's go to bed: I feel like some fun.'
    'I thought you were tired,' she murmured.
    'Not now. You may know more about most things than I do, but not what I'm feeling. Are you going to move or do I have to make you?'
    She moved. Walking as upright as she could and determined not to let him see her fear, which she sensed would only encourage him, she sat on the bed and stared straight into his eyes. 'Well?'
    'Take off your clothes,' he continued pleasantly and began to search through the chest of drawers. Within seconds she was undressed, anxious for it to be over so that he would fall asleep. It was only when she saw what he had in his hands that her fear increased. 'What are those for?' she asked warily, eyeing the pair of tights he was holding.
    'I thought we'd try something different tonight. They say women like being tied down, it makes them feel they aren't responsible for enjoying sex. Takes away any deep-rooted guilt.'
    'I've never felt guilty about sex,' she protested as he tied her legs to the corners of the bed. She sat up and began struggling with him when he tried to grab her left hand, but he bent her fingers back so savagely that she screamed and her arm went limp, allowing him to tie her left hand as well.
    After that he turned of the main light and slowly began to take off his own clothes. 'Right, get started,' he instructed, standing in his already bulging Y-fronts. 'Start playing with yourself. Save me the trouble of getting you warmed up. That's why I left your right arm free!'
    'I won't!' She said physically sick.
    'I rather think you will, unless you want me to knock the shit out of you, and somehow I don't imagine that will be good for the baby you’re so pleased about.'
    'You wouldn't!' she cried in disbelief. 'Toby, you wouldn't do that. This is getting silly. Untie me and let's… '
    He stepped closer and slapped her several times round the face. The slaps weren't hard but she could tell from the look in his eyes that he'd like to hit her harder. 'Believe me, I won't have any compunction at all about hitting you, pregnant or not. Now, do as I say. You women all think you're better at it than men, don't you? More sensitive, a more delicate touch. Well, let me see just how good you are.'
    Her mouth was dry, her

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