Take My Hand

Take My Hand by Nicola Haken

Book: Take My Hand by Nicola Haken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Haken
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more certain I
am Rachel has some wires loose in her brain.
    “I’ll try,” was all I could say. I knew this
was all fun and Rachel would never expect me to do anything I wasn’t
comfortable with but I really did want to have a bash at the list.
Though unbeknownst to Rachel I was planning to start with something relatively
easy – like Number 12:

    · Eat Chinese food until you’re
so full you throw up

      Seriously, where did she get these ideas
    “I’m gonna get going now. You need anything
before I go?”
    “Jared’s cock if you’re not gonna use it.”
    “There’s something wrong with you, you know
that right?” I teased, rolling my eyes.
    “Nah, Ho. I’m just special, remember?”
    “Be good,” I ordered playfully as I bent down
to kiss the top of her head.


    “Hey, cutie,” Jared greeted when I approached
his door after being buzzed in. “I’ve missed you,” he added before cupping my
cheeks and landing a long, squelching kiss on my lips.
    “Missed you too.” It was only a white lie. I
had sort of missed him – just like I’d miss any of my friends if I
hadn’t seen them for two days.
    “I was thinking we could just stay home
tonight. Rent a couple of movies, order Chinese…” Oh the irony. Number 12 was
my first goal yet there was no way I was going to try and accomplish it in
anyone’s company other than Rachel’s. I wasn’t sure Jared or his sheepskin rug
would appreciate it.
    “Sounds good to me,” I agreed before brushing
past him and heading towards his couch. “Will Dex be joining us?” I kind of
hoped not. I’ve been sitting next to him in class everyday for two whole weeks
and I still know nothing about him. If I’m honest, he’s starting to
creep me out a little.
    “Doubt he’ll be home till the early hours.
He’s covering my shift so I can spend more time with you.” Jared flashed me an
affectionate smile as he joined me on the couch and pulled me closer to him. I
should’ve melted there right? He’d just said something adorable but for the
effect it had on my insides he might as well have been talking about the
    Jared was the perfect gentleman. He twirled
my hair around his fingers while I rested my head on his lap, he whispered
sweet things to me every five seconds and he even rented the entire Twilight
Saga for us to watch. I couldn’t shift the niggling suspicion that it was all
part of his master plan to get into my knickers however. This inkling was only
intensified when he started kissing me half way through Eclipse and in that
moment I decided it was time to give it my best shot. Maybe I wasn’t ‘feeling’
it because I didn’t know what I was missing. If I gave it a chance, he might
turn my whole world upside down.
    I should’ve known it wasn’t going to work the
second I started chanting the mantra ‘you can do this’ over and over in my
head. My heart raced faster and faster the higher his hand slipped up my thigh,
but not in an excited way – in a ‘dear God I think I’m gonna pass out’
kind of way. Then, by the time his fingers began to trace the lacy edge of my
knickers I think I actually started shaking.
    “I’m sorry,” I muttered, pulling away from
him. “Can we just, um… slow things down a little?”
    “Sure,” he replied with a smile that didn’t
reach his cheeks. I’m sure I heard him sigh too.
    “Sorry,” I repeated.
    “Don’t be,” he assured… weakly. “How ‘bout I
get us something to drink? I’ve got Jack in the kitchen.” Hmm. There were two
reasons here why I should’ve said no. Number one: This could’ve been phase two
of Operation Remove The Knickers. And number two: I’d never drank such a hard
liquor before which probably meant this wouldn’t end well.
    Yep. I needed to pass this time.
    “Sure.” It seemed my mouth didn’t agree with
my brain on this occasion. But what harm could it really do? If I took it easy
– just

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