Take My Hand

Take My Hand by Nicola Haken Page B

Book: Take My Hand by Nicola Haken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Haken
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    Dexter led me to the couch where he slept and
didn’t let go of me until I was sat firmly down. The first thing I noticed was
that Jared was missing from the armchair.
    “Where’d he go?” I asked, confused and
disorientated. Maybe I’d been so drunk I only imagined seeing him there
earlier. If that was the case, how could he leave me in the state I was in?
    “I’ll go check while I fix you some coffee.”
I was about to tell him he didn’t need to go to any trouble but by the time my
mouth was prepared to co-operate with my brain, he’d already left the room.
    I had never felt so awful in all my life. The
twinges of a migraine were beginning to taunt me - I felt sick, sweaty, dizzy…
Why the hell did Rachel think this was a good idea? I think I might genuinely
hate her right now.
    Closing my blurry eyes I relaxed to the sound
of the Breaking Dawn Part One credits playing softly in the background. It felt
homely – comforting. It was a sound I’d heard a thousand times and with
my eyes closed I could’ve been lying in bed next to Rachel enjoying one of our
‘Twinights’ rather than making a holy drunken show of myself in front of a guy
I barely knew.
    “He’s took his sorry ass off to bed,” Dexter
informed, handing me a tall mug of steaming black coffee when he re-entered the
room. “When you’ve finished that I’ll fetch you a water.”
    “Really, you don’t need-”
    “Do you want to feel like shit all
night?” he interrupted, sounding annoyed.
    “No,” I answered sulkily.
    “Then just do it. The more you drink the
faster you’ll start to feel better.”
    Assuming he was probably more experienced
than me in the hangover department, I followed his advice. The coffee was too
hot to drink all at once so I took slow, careful sips while I waited for it to
cool down.
    “So how come you’ve got a voice all of a
sudden?” I asked boldly. Wow, I really was intoxicated. I’d wanted but
never dared to ask him why he was such a miserable pig since the first time I
met him.
    “How’d you mean? I talk to you,” he said
somewhat defensively, ruffling his purposely-shaggy brown hair with his
    “Barely. I don’t know anything about you.”
Hmm, maybe feeling like a sack of horse crap was worth it for the confidence it
seemed to be giving me.
    “There’s nothing you’d want to know, doll.”
The dizziness was finally subsiding only to come crashing back down on me again
every time he called me ‘doll’. My body appeared to like it more than my brain
thought I should.
    “How do you know if you don’t try me? You
don’t know me either so you don’t know what I would and wouldn’t want to know.
And I think I do want to know. Unless you just don’t want me to know.
What is it I don’t know again?” I rambled, unavoidable tiredness setting in and
making me forget what we were even talking about.
    “I think you need to sleep now,” he suggested
before bending behind the couch. He re-emerged with two fluffy pillows and a
folded up duvet. Then he laid them out onto the cushions and made an awfully
inviting looking bed. “Lie down. I’ll go get that water and leave it right
here,” he added, pointing to a small side table next to the couch.
    “But where will you sleep?” I asked,
feeling guilty about stealing his bed but not enough to stop me lying straight
    “Don’t worry about me, doll. Just close your
eyes and sleep it off.”
    The last thing I remember was smiling
gratefully – my eyes already closed.


    Oh. God.
    I was awake but I daren’t open my eyes. I
knew if I did I might have to chance making eye-contact with another human
being and then I would die from sheer shame. Then again I think I was dying
anyway. I felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach, dipped into a bucket of
steaming vomit and then shoved under a speeding bus. Yep, I was definitely dying.
    After just a few minutes of refusing to move
I was soon left with no

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