
Betrayal by Mayandree Michel Page A

Book: Betrayal by Mayandree Michel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mayandree Michel
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy
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inching across a china plate. The sinister shaped shadows swarmed together forming the shape of a giant man. The massive silhouette’s flickering cape brought back the horrid memory of that inexplicable night when electrical currents flowed through my veins like blood.
    Great, I thought. The gargoyle guy didn’t work alone. The evil shadow has come for me again. Maybe they were here to take me to hell. This was it. But what had I done to merit an eternity in hell?
    The ghastly faced guy glowered down at me. He must have read the feared expression on my face as I stared up at the looming shadow and its cape flickering violently like a flame fighting to survive against a harsh gust of wind. The guy turned around to face the huge figure that lowered its head and shoulders over him. Suddenly, curling flames shot out of the guy’s mouth as if he’d swallowed a lit torch. He leapt backwards as if he hadn’t expected the shadow to be there.
    I detected that it was dread washing over the guys face, bringing his features back to their gorgeous state. His black shirt melted, disappearing into his pale white skin like an Oreo cookie drowning in a glass of milk. Not a second had past when he spread his brawny arms out wide at his sides.
    With a loud snap like a sail flapping forcefully in protest of harsh winds, massive reptile like webbed wings sprouted from beneath his arms. He soared into the dismal gray sky like a hawk. He was gone, and with his departure, so was the creepy shadow.
    My eyes darted all over C Street. Every vehicle had stopped. Every driver and passenger stood outside of their vehicle inspecting the damage to their windshields and windows in utter disbelief. Every window was shattered completely or partially blown out. People were trickling out of the shops appearing alarmed and dazed. Groups of tourists watched the chaos in the street from the balconies of the saloons, restaurants, and bed and breakfasts.
    There was no way of making any sense of the destruction.
    I kept hearing the same word thrown around.
    “This is so bizarre … every window smashed.”
    “How bizarre ….the piercing sound hurt my ears.”
    “How could this be… it’s bizarre .”
    The word was at the tip of everyone’s tongue. But no one mentioned seeing a guy dressed in all black with a horrid gargoyle’s face and penetrating demonic ruby eyes. No one saw a man fly into the sky with wings of a dragon. Not even my parents. Was he also a figment of my imagination? Was he a ghost like me? His dragon like wings made me think of some sort of dark angel. Either way I seemed to be the only one who had seen him although everyone had positively heard him.
    I turned to face my parents, whom had opted to stay in the car.
    “How bizarre.” My mom said, carefully brushing the shards of the windshield off the dashboard, off her lap, and out of her hair.
    “Yes, bizarre.” My dad said. “Let’s go.” Dad started the car again, and swerved around a couple of vehicles. Then he mounted onto the curb, scaring a few tourists, and made a right turn onto Taylor Street. Dad headed to the morgue, averting the madness erupting on the main street.
    Throughout all the commotion, he hadn’t forgotten the business of identifying his only daughter’s dead body.

    Trusting Liars
    Upon my parents return home from the heartbreaking endeavor of identifying me at the morgue, they broke down all over again. Thunder resounded lightly after a second shower finally tapered off into a mist. Surprisingly, the sun made an encore appearance. There was nothing left for me to do now but roam our tiny home.
    Would that be considered haunting it?
    I spent the remainder of the afternoon following my parents around, listening to the warm breeze flood the house since my parents barely spoke to each other. Mom stayed in my bedroom clutching my favorite stuffed animal, and weeping and rocking back in forth on my bed like a helpless child.
    Dad exiled himself to their

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