Bewitching the Werewolf
calmness was fracturing, tendrils of fear seeping through her mind like ivy. Once the fear consumed her, she’d run.
    Lucas turned to look at her, a small frown on his face, as though both disappointed and surprised by her.
    “ She drew my blood, tried to kill me. Not sure why you have your panties in a twist to be frank.” He paused and looked at the golden vampire again. “ lord.”
    “ She is forbidden. The punishment is death.” Lucas said, his gaze still fixed on Valerie.
    The Irish vampire's eyes were wide in surprise and outrage, “She's not worth all that ! What do you care about a Hunter’s daughter? Tell me what to do to make it right and I'll be on my way. Even take Oliver with me.” He tried to make his voice sound reasonable, but fear pitched it higher and the words ran together.
    “ Oliver will be dead soon.”
    The man frowned and spoke angrily, “You will let the Hunters take my child? Be damned to you then!” He swung forward in a smooth arc, his fist flying towards Lucas' jaw, but Lucas moved, grabbing the hand in mid-air, inches from his face, holding back the vampire with ease. A terrible smile on his lips.
    “ You seek to attack me ?” There was a hint of incredulity to Lucas’ words. “Perhaps Marion is correct and I should make more displays of my power.” Lucas squeezed the man’s hand hard and blood began to drip from his closed fist.
    The vampire cried out in pain, kicking hard, wanting to break free of Lucas’ grasp. Lucas blocked the kick, squeezing harder and the vampire dropped to his knees in pain. Lucas let go and the man swayed for a moment, gripping his crushed hand protectively. Lucas punched him. But harder than it sounds. His fist making such solid contact that the vampire’s face was instantly altered, bones shattered, half of his skull slightly depressed.
    Valerie scuttled away from the tree, Lucas’ compulsion suddenly falling away like unlocked chains. She stumbled to her feet but he was there in front of her, hand on her chin, wanting her to look at him, trying to take her will away.
    She could feel his power directed at her— marching over her skin, waiting for her to open her eyes so she’d be his. Val kicked blindly, making contact with some unknown part of him, hearing a slight oomph in response. And then she was free. He wasn’t touching her. She opened her eyes, running forward—and he was in front of her.
    This time the wave of power hurt, like a wave of acid taking her under instead of sea water. Her body halted, mid-motion and she waited. The pain vanished, like he’d whipped it away from her, but still she couldn’t run away.
    Val breathed in and out, then a little faster, making her lungs do what she wanted instead of what he wanted. He wanted her calm, she worked to be wild.
    She made her hands open wide, got her toes to curl. She turned, faced the two vampires, unable to leave but terrified of what was going on behind her. When her death came she wanted to see it. Figured the only way she’d get near a man that hot was if he was going to kill her.
    Her vision cleared, and she saw that things had changed. While Lucas had been distracted, Mr. Irish had stabbed Lucas. The stake was embedded near his stomach.
    Lucas pulled out the stake like removing lint from a sweater—casually, dismissively, as though it made not the slightest impact that he’d been stabbed. Then he tossed it aside andit landed at her feet.
    She wanted to reach for it, but her body wouldn't move. What did it mean that he threw that to her?
    His control broke again, and Valerie grabbed the stake, gripping it tightly in her right hand. When she looked up, the fight was finished. Mr. Irish was pinned to a tree, Lucas’ arms keeping the other still, as he struggled pathetically, only his head thrashing from side to side.
    “ Goddamn you, Lucas!” her attacker shouted angrily.
    “ No more

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